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词汇 煎锅
例句 He put the frying pan on the gas burner.他把煎锅放在煤气灶上。Sausages sputtered in the frying pan.香肠在煎锅里毕剥作响。Put in the chicken breasts and cover the pan, letting the gentle heat warm them.鸡胸肉放入煎锅,盖好盖子,文火加热。The butter melted in the frying pan.黄油在煎锅里熔化了。Brown the mince in a frying pan, strain off the excess fat and add the chopped onions.把肉末在煎锅中煎至褐色,撇去多余的脂肪,然后放入剁碎的洋葱。The manual said not to use the fryer on wooden decks.手册上说木质台板上不能使用煎锅He browned the chicken in a frying pan.他用煎锅把鸡肉煎成焦黄色。The pan handle is red-hot, so don't touch it.煎锅柄烫得发红,所以别去碰它。In a large sauté pan, cook the bacon until crisp.用一只大煎锅将熏猪肉煎脆。He was arguing with his girlfriend and she hit him with a frying pan! Nearly knocked him out.他和女友争吵时女友竟拿煎锅砸他!几乎把他砸晕了过去。We are now offering you the chance to buy the complete set of pans at half price.我们现在为大家提供半价购买全套煎锅的机会。Combine all ingredients in a heavy-bottomed pan.将所有原料放进厚底煎锅里混合起来。Drop spoonfuls of the mixture into the frying pan and cook until golden underneath.煎锅里加几勺混合料,然后把朝下的一面煎到金黄色为止。His hand closed on the frying pan's handle.他的手抓住煎锅的柄。She melted butter in the frying pan.她在煎锅里把黄油熔化了。Fry for twenty-five seconds each side in a very hot skillet.在高温煎锅内每一边煎二十五秒钟。Heat the oil gently in a large frying pan.把油放在大煎锅里慢慢加热。Melt a lump of butter in your frying-pan.把一块黄油放入煎锅里化开。Pour the oil into a frying pan and heat.把油倒入煎锅内加热。I need a frying pan that can stand being placed in the oven.我需要一个能在烤箱里使用的煎锅Bacon was sizzling in the frying pan.熏肉在煎锅里嘶嘶地响。Heat the oil in a non-stick frying-pan, then pour in the egg mixture.在不粘煎锅里将油加热,然后倒入鸡蛋糊。Once, she walloped me over the head with a frying pan.有一次,她用煎锅狠狠地砸了我的头。Put a knob of butter in the frying pan.煎锅里放一小块黄油。The meat was spitting in the pan.肉在煎锅里咝咝响,油星四溅。




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