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The store sells a range of reproduction furniture in Colonial style.该商店出售殖民地时期式样家具的一系列仿制品。The store sells a selection of prepared foods.那家商店出售大量的即食食品。Many of their cheeses are exclusive to our stores in Britain.在英国,他们生产的奶酪很多只在我们商店出售。The store sells many different paints.这家商店出售各式颜料。The store deals in objects of domestic utility.那家商店出售家庭用品。That shop sells postcards and trinkets.那家商店出售明信片和小装饰物。The shop has a wide choice of hats.那家商店出售各式各样的帽子。This store sells pet food.这商店出售宠物食品。The store sells fancy fresh fruits.这商店出售特级鲜果。The store sells a variety of goods.这家商店出售琳琅满目的商品。This shop sells knitwear.这家商店出售针织品。This store sells a wide range of TV sets.这家商店出售各种型号的彩色电视机。The store sells tents and other camping equipment.这家商店出售帐篷和其他野营用具。The store sells hats, gloves, and things of that description. 这家商店出售帽子、手套以及诸如此类的商品。The store sells many different brands of liquid/hand/antibacterial soaps.这家商店出售各种品牌的皂液/洗手皂/抗菌皂。The store sells computers in many different makes and models.这家商店出售多种品牌和型号的电脑。This shop sells clothes made exclusively of Indian materials.这家商店出售专用印度布料做的衣服。The store sells all manner of musical instruments.这家商店出售各种各样的乐器。There's a shop in town which sells all the latest photographic apparatus.镇上有一家商店出售各种最新的摄影器材。The shop sells small household articles.这家商店出售小件家庭用品。The store sells wines and spirits.这家商店出售葡萄酒和烈酒。It's the only shop I know round here that stocks X-mas cards.我知道附近这一带只有这一家商店出售圣诞卡。This store sells cooking utensils.这商店出售炊具。The old town is a labyrinth of narrow streets, with shops selling everything you could imagine.那古镇犹如迷宫一般,狭窄的街道纵横交错,两旁的商店出售各式各样的商品。The store sells a wide range of goods.这家商店出售各式各样的商品。The store carries hand-painted tiles. 这家商店出售手绘瓷砖。A dime store sells notions.廉价商店出售日用小商品。The store sells imported goods bearing high prices.这家商店出售价格不菲的进口商品。The shop sells antiques and various collectible items.这家商店出售古董和各种收藏品。The store carries a full line of products.这家商店出售各种产品。The shop offers a large selection of leather goods at reasonable prices.这家商店出售的皮革制品种类繁多,价格公道。The store sells an extensive line of menswear.这家商店出售各种男士服装。The shop sells dozens and dozens of kinds of tea.这家商店出售各种茶叶。The hardware store offers several different glues.那个五金商店出售多种不同的胶水。The store offers a lot in home decor.这家商店出售多种居家装饰品。The store sells designer clothes and shoes sourced from the grey market.这家商店出售从灰色市场进货的名牌服装和鞋子。The store sells crafts from around the world.这个商店出售来自世界各地的工艺品。The company plans to sell or lease its remaining stores to other supermarkets.公司打算把余下的商店出售或出租给其他超级市场。The store sells fashionable clothes at prices you can afford.这家商店出售时髦的服装,价格你能够接受。The shop sells reconditioned vacuum cleaners.这家商店出售翻新的吸尘器。 |