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词汇 商店
例句 The store was out of the paint I wanted.这家商店卖完了我要的油漆。He'll turn the shop over to his son when he retires.他退休后要把商店交给儿子经营。The store sells end-of-season stock at heavily discounted prices.这家商店以跳楼价甩卖过季存货。Big-box stores such as Ikea can be found in the outer ring of the city.像宜家这样的仓储式商店可以在城市外围找到。There are shops of every description.那里有各种各样的商店We traipsed around every store in town, trying to find the right color paint.我们拖着疲惫的身躯逛了镇上每一家商店,想要找到颜色合适的油漆。If the VCR has something wrong with it, take it back to the store.如果录像机有问题,就把它拿回商店去。That store charges fantastic prices.那家商店索价极高。The store offers a two percent discount when customers pay in cash.顾客以现金支付时,商店可给予百分之二的折扣。Interesting displays can add personality to your store window.有趣的展品可以为商店的橱窗增添个性。Some shops are bowing to consumer pressure and stocking organically grown vegetables.一些商店屈服于顾客的压力,开始供应有机蔬菜。The company opened more and more stores, taking away, or cannibalizing, business from its older stores.这家公司开的商店越来越多,结果新店抢走或者说是吞掉了老店的生意。The company handles the distribution of goods to stores nationwide.这家公司负责给遍布全国的商店配送货物。I made a quick sprint to the local shop for some coffee.我全速跑向当地一家商店去买咖啡。The store is underhanded in the Christmas season.商店在耶诞节期间缺少人手。Soon after, they were invited to start a concessionary store in Perth.不久以后,他们就被邀请在珀斯租场地开设一家商店The store has a very limited choice of ties.这家商店可供选择的领带非常有限。The shops are at a distance from where we live.商店离我们住所有一段路。All articles in the store are ticketed with the price.商店里所有的物品都有标价。Queensway Quay will incorporate shops, restaurants and other amenities.女王道码头将会融商店、餐馆以及其他生活便利设施为一体。Every item in the store has a product code.商店里的每样货品都有产品信息代码。I don't want to rush you, but the shop's about to close.我并不想催你,但商店就要关门了。I observed my fellow shoppers rushing from store to store.我观察到和我一样的购物者匆忙赶往一家又一家商店The new store drove him out of business. 新开的那家商店把他的生意都抢走了。The first diagram is a view of the building from the street, and the second shows it in section.第一幅图是由街上看商店的景象,第二幅图是截面图。He went into the store out of curiosity. 出于好奇,他走进了那家商店The store argues that it offers competitive wages.商店认为自己提供的工资具有竞争力。Basic food products are frequently unavailable in the state shops.在国营商店里经常连一些基本食品都买不到。It is open for business seven days a week.这家商店一周七天都开门营业。That store discounts all its slow-selling goods.那家商店削价出售所有滞销货。I'm sure the shop will change them for you.我想商店肯定会给你换的。The store has consistently low prices.这家商店的商品价格一向很低。The store was cleaned and swept out after hours.商店在打烊后大扫除。The store refused to meet the customer's demand for a refund.商店拒绝了顾客的退款要求。A slow/steady trickle of customers came into the store throughout the day.这家商店一整天都有平缓/稳定的客流。The shop is not licensed to sell alcoholic drinks.商店未获准售酒。I took the shoes back to the shop.我把鞋子拿到商店退掉了。It's out in the sticks, about two miles from the nearest shop.它处于偏远乡村,离最近的商店大约两英里路程。All sorts of lamps are available in that shop.在那家商店可买到各式各样的灯具。There's late-night shopping on Thursdays.每周四商店营业到深夜。




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