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词汇 asks
例句 If she asks to borrow any more money, the answer's no!如果她再要借钱,休想!I don't need all this stuff - I'll give it away to the first person who asks for it.这些东西我都不要了一谁第一个问我要就给谁。Don't serve water at meals unless someone asks for it.除非有人要,就餐时不要端水上去。If anyone asks for me, tell them I'm busy.如果有人要找我,告诉他们我很忙。He asks pardon for his sins and is purified through his repentance.他请求饶恕他的罪过并通过忏悔得到涤罪。If anyone asks you where I am, I'll be in the library.如果有人问起你我在哪里,说我会在图书馆。Unless the interviewer asks you directly, keep off the question of why you left your last job.除非主持面试的人直接问你,否则不要触及你为什么辞去上一个工作的问题。Amy asks whether his friend will be at home.爱米问他的朋友是否会在家。His mother gives him what he asks for.他要什么他母亲就给他什么。Robbie always asks the whys and wherefores when he is told to do something.如果要罗比做事,他总爱问个究竟。If Daniel asks what happened in court we will tell him.如果丹尼尔问起庭审情况,我们会告诉他。The school asks much of its students. 那所学校对学生要求很高。Lucilla often asks her sisters to retell the story.露西拉经常要姐姐们把这个故事反复讲给她听。People who click on the ads are directed to a landing page that asks for donations.点击链接的访问者会被转到一个要求捐赠的着陆页。Herman becomes distressed when anyone asks him about the accident.有人问起那场事故,赫尔曼就会非常痛苦。The form asks probing questions.这个表格问了一些试探性的问题。She asks to be treated like a diva.她要求一级女艺人的待遇。Let me refresh your memory about the details of our plans in case anyone asks any awkward questions.让我向你讲一讲计划的细节以加深印象,免得万一有人提问刁难。The form asks for your name, age, and sex.表格要求填写你的姓名、年龄以及性别。If Pauline asks where I am, will you cover for me?如果保利娜问我在哪里,你能为我应付一下吗?They're understandably insulted when no one asks for their opinion on a matter that affects them so much.这件事对他们影响如此巨大,却无人征询他们的意见,他们为此感到受辱是可以理解的。I had a letter from Jane. She asks after you.我收到一封简的信。她向你问好。He's got the committee firmly under his thumb - they agree to whatever he asks.他已牢牢地掌控了委员会——他们同意他提出的任何要求。If he asks you to his house you must ask him back.如果他请你去他家,你必须回请他。Don't be sidetracked by the way the interviewer asks the questions - just keep making the relevant points.不要因为采访人的提问而扯到别的事情上去一就一直说有关的话。David's really shy - he always turns red when the teacher asks him a question.戴维真的很害羞—老师问他问题时他总是会脸红。The doctor thinks I have neurological disorder. He asks me to stay in the hospital for further checkups.医生说我神经系统失调,要我住院进一步检查。No one ever really stops and asks kids what they think about things.没有人真的会停下来问问孩子他们的看法。If anyone asks you what I said, don't say a thing.如果有人问起我说过什么,什么也不要说。A feverish child refuses to eat and asks only for cold drinks.发烧的孩子不愿吃东西,只会要冷饮。The job asks both time and patience.这份工作既需要时间,又要求有耐心。The user confirms their order and downloads an applet which asks them for their personal and payment details.用户对其订购进行确认,然后下载一个小应用程序,它便会询问用户的详细个人信息及具体付款事宜。If she asks me to work over the weekend, I'll tell her to shove it up her ass!她要是让我周末工作,我就会让她滚一边去!If anybody asks you where I am, act dumb. 要是有人问你我在哪儿,就装作不知道。She doesn't ask a lot. She asks very little in return for her hard work.她不求太多。她对自己的辛劳付出不求回报。The questionnaire asks students how they feel about services on campus.问卷要求学生说出对校园服务的意见。If she asks Dan for a pay rise before I do, it will probably queer my pitch.要是她先于我向丹提出加薪,那可能会毁了我加薪的机会。The application form asks you to state your name, age, and nationality.申请表要求填上姓名、年龄和国籍。The reporter often asks questions that put/place people on the defensive.那名记者经常提出一些问题,让人不得不进行辩白。The program asks businesses to foot the bill for daily newspapers in the classroom.该计划请求商家负担费用为学校提供日报。




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