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词汇 热气
例句 The heat had warped the boards.热气已经让板子变形了。The heat from the radiator diffuses throughout the room.暖气片发出的热气扩散到了整个房间。The horses came to a halt, steam streaming from their nostrils.这些马停了下来,鼻孔喷着热气We felt a rush of cold/hot air from the vent.我们感到有股冷气/热气从通风口冒出。He cut out the steaming entrails.他割下冒着热气的内脏。The heat lingered long after the sun had gone down.太阳下山了,热气却久久不散。The white sand reflected the sun's heat.白晃晃的沙地反射出太阳的热气The heat will lessen during the evening.晚上热气会减弱。The soup steamed invitingly.汤发出诱人的热气The heat was diffused throughout the room.热气扩散到了整个房间。June had brought with it the first of the summer warmth.六月带来了夏日的第一缕热气Great pots of food were steaming on the cooker.大罐的食物正在炉子上冒着热气The heat takes all the curl out of your hair.热气把你头发上的卷卷全都烫直了。Before he knew it, the heat and hum of the forest had lulled him to sleep.森林里的热气和嗡嗡的声音让他不知不觉便睡着了。Coffee steamed in the richly decorated silver pot.咖啡在装饰精美的银壶中冒着热气Dan smiled at him through a haze of smoke and steaming coffee.丹透过烟雾和咖啡的热气向他笑了笑。He was driven back by the heat and smoke.热气和烟雾让他退了回来。A heat haze shimmered above the fields.田野上方一层热气氤氲。I could feel his hot breath on my neck.我可以感觉到他呼到我脖子上的热气It was so cold they could see their breath.天冷得很,他们都能看到自己呼出的热气The summer heat rose off the pavement.夏日的热气从路面升起。Breezes skimmed the heat off the air.阵阵和风吹走了空气中的热气Steam rose from the simmering stew.炖着的肉咕嘟咕嘟冒着热气Heat rises because hot air is lighter than cold air.热气往上升是因为热空气比冷空气轻。The heat in the narrow packed streets was stifling.狭窄拥挤的街道上,那热气令人窒息。The stifling heat of the little room was beginning to make me nauseous.小房间里令人窒息的热气开始让我感到恶心。On cold days the device periodically provides a burst of hot air, to even out the air temperature.天冷时,这个装置会定期释放热气,使空气温度保持稳定。He puffed out his fat cheeks and let out a lungful of steamy breath.他鼓起胖乎乎的腮帮子,呼出了一大口热气The warmth of the room and the monotony of the speaker's voice grew soporific.房间里的热气和发言人单调的声音让人昏昏欲睡。The heat, the noise, the smell of the other passengers; everything about the subway disgusted him.热气、那嘈杂声、那其他乘客的体味,地铁里的一切都让他感到恶心。The soldiers marched on in the sweltering heat.士兵们在热气逼人的高温下继续行军。Steam rose from her mug of cocoa.她那杯可可冒着热气She watched her breath fog the car window, then dissipate.她看着自己嘴里呼出的热气在车窗上结雾后又消散。




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