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例句 He nodded absently, his mind obviously on other things.他心不在焉地点了点头,心思显然在其他事情上。Mel nodded her thanks to Adam.梅尔向亚当点头表示感谢。He nodded his head understandingly.他理解地点了点头She nodded when I asked her if she was ready.我问她准备好没有,她点了点头She nodded abstractedly.她若有所思地点了点头The violins spoke at the nod of the conductor.指挥一点头小提琴就奏起来了。He turned with a little nod and I watched him walk away.他边点了点头边转过身,我看着他走了。He gave me an expressive nod.他向我意味深长地点了点头He nodded with satisfaction.他满意地点了点头The Monsignor gave him a slow, expressionless nod.大人向他缓缓地点了点头,脸上毫无表情。He acknowledged the greeting with a nod.他点一点头,回答了对他的问候。He looked them both over and nodded lightly.他朝他俩打量一番,微微一点头Smiles, nods, and cheerful faces added to the general gaiety.微笑、点头和喜洋洋的脸庞使喜庆的气氛变得更浓了。The child nodded, drinking her milk thirstily.那个孩子边大口地喝着牛奶边点了点头The audience nodded with quiet pleasure at her remark.听了她的话,听众含笑点头Jack inclined his head slightly.杰克微微点了点头He nodded, his tears spilling over.他点了点头,眼泪流了出来。She did not understand the significance of my nod.她没有领会我点头的意思。Then he nodded courteously to me before walking off.然后,他礼貌地向我点了点头便走开了。She could not speak but just nodded mutely.她一句话也说不出,只是默默地点头He marched down the passage, and the establishment ducked and smiled.他顺着过道走去,全体人员都点头弯腰并致以微笑。She nodded to me in a friendly fashion.她友好地向我点了点头He nodded his head instead of saying anything where his voice might betray him.他一言不发,只是点头,因为一开口可能会露出破绽。She nodded at us as she walked past.她经过的时候朝我们点头打招呼。He nodded, not trusting himself to speak.他点了点头,不敢说什么。He nodded slowly.他慢慢地点了点头The people listening nodded approval.听的人都点头表示赞同。His nod betokened acceptance.点头表示接受。I asked if he was hungry, and he responded with a nod.我问他是否饿了,他点头回应。She nodded her head with some positiveness.她带著几分自信地点了点头Her listeners nodded solemnly.听她说话的人神情严肃地点了点头She nodded to us as she walked by.她走过时向我们点了点头They talked for several minutes, Frederick smiling broadly and nodding his head vigorously every so often.他们交谈了几分钟,弗雷德里克偶尔咧开嘴笑着并用力点头She nodded gently to herself.她对自己轻轻点了点头When I suggested a walk, Elena nodded enthusiastically.当我提议去散步时,埃琳娜使劲地点头He reloaded and nodded to the gamekeeper.他给枪重新装上子弹,然后朝猎场看守人点了点头I nodded tearfully.我含着泪点了点头She eased back into the chair and nodded.她轻手轻脚地坐回到椅子上,点了点头He nodded his head to the Stapletons on the other side of the room.他向在房间另一端的斯泰普尔顿一家点头问候。Sufficiently thawed, he nodded an acknowledgment and took a sip of coffee.他完全暖和过来后点头表示感谢,并呷了一口咖啡。




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