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词汇 激励
例句 What this country needs is dynamic and inspiring leadership!这个国家需要的是有冲劲、能激励斗志的领导班子!His cheerful words animated them to greater efforts.他那令人振奋的话激励他们作出更大努力。Managers use a full arsenal of motivational techniques to get employees to take risks.管理者运用各种激励措施使雇员勇于冒险。He was borne up by patriotism and determination.爱国热情和决心激励着他。They were so determined to learn and they were so strongly motivated.他们深受激励,决心好好学习。This will prove a much-needed fillip to racecourses and the racing industry in general.这将会证明是赛马场和整个赛马业迫切需要的激励She was a great inspiration. She was the person who impressed us with the importance of research.她极大地激励着我们,是她使我们深刻认识到研究的重要性。Her approval spurred him to enter a poetry contest.她的认可激励他参加诗歌比赛。Her courage is an inspiration to us all.她的勇气激励了我们每一个人。My present duties don't challenge me enough.我目前的职责对我的激励还不够。Employers offer early promotion as an inducement to stay.雇主们把快速晋升作为留住员工的激励措施。He was prompted by patriotism.他为爱国心所激励Her do-or-die attitude is inspiring.她坚定不移的态度激励着人心。Efficiency rises in direct proportion to the incentives offered.效率与激励成正比增长。It's often more difficult to motivate boys than girls.男孩子往往比女孩子更难以激励The nuns who taught him urged him to make something of his life and he did.教他念书的修女激励他努力上进,他最终取得了成功。Her courage has inspired us.她的勇气激励了我们。The art course stimulated me, woke me up.艺术课激励了我,使我从蒙昧中解脱出来。Every top sportsman needs the motivation of a fresh challenge.每一位一流的运动员都需要新的挑战来激励他们。His comments spurred me on to success.他对我的评价激励我取得了成功。She energized him with her belief and her competence.她以自己的信念和能力激励着他。Their discussion stimulated him to research the subject more.他们的讨论激励他进一步研究这个主题。He helped energize and mobilize millions of people around the nation.他帮助激励和动员了全国数百万人。He motivated his players through a mixture of stern demands and affection.他一方面严格要求,一方面又给予关爱,以此来激励运动员。The Government has failed abysmally to improve the incentives for skill formation.政府在加强对技能培养的激励方面毫无建树。High taxation rates have undermined work incentives.高税率削弱了工作激励措施的作用。The science class will encourage his natural curiosity.自然科学课会激励他天生的好奇心。We urged the school team on with loud cheers.我们大声助威,激励校队拼搏。Who drove you on to success?激励你获得成功? The incentive must be sufficiently great to warrant the investment.必须有足够大的回报激励才值得投资。His confident leadership inspired his followers.他那自信的领导风采激励着他的追随者。The children respond well to praise and positive reinforcement.表扬和正面的激励对孩子有良好的效果。He was incited to achievement by rivalry.竞争激励他努力取得成就。His style of directing has spawned/inspired a number of imitators.他的导演风格催生/激励了许多效仿者。Everyone else's fine performances put him on his mettle.大家的出色表演激励他去尽自己最大的努力。His writing benefits from the shade of Lincoln hovering over his shoulder.他的写作得益于他感到已故的林肯一直在他身后激励着他。What can be done to encourage convicted offenders to change their ways?怎样才能激励这些罪犯洗心革面呢?He spurred his players to fight harder.激励他的球员更加努力地战斗。It's frustration that motivates babies to learn to walk.激励婴儿学习行走的是挫折感。The bereaved were heartened by the condolences they received.死者家属为他们收到的吊唁函电所激励




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