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例句 Communications were temporarily dislocated by the bad weather.因天气恶劣通讯暂时不畅Slow sales have pushed down orders.由于销售不畅,订单减少了。Doctors had to remove her leg because of bad circulation.她的一条腿血液循环不畅,医生只得将其切除。The ventilation equipment was not operating properly.通风设备运行不畅Relief agencies say the immediate problem is not a lack of food, but transportation.救援机构称最紧迫的问题不是食物匮乏,而是运输不畅Failure to communicate had brought the two nations to the brink of war.沟通不畅使这两个国家濒于战争的边缘。She suffers from poor circulation.她的血液循环不畅Programmes designed to soften the blow of unemployment are not working well.旨在缓解失业打击的计划运行不畅The river rolled darkly brown and turgid.河水流动不畅,翻着浊黄的浪花。The conversation did not flow smoothly.谈话进展不畅New fashion designs have to be sold off at a loss if sales are poor.新款时装遇上销路不畅就要蚀本卖出。




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