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词汇 演讲人
例句 Here the speaker paused.这时演讲人停顿了一下。The speaker tried to drill in his point.演讲人反反复复试图灌输他的观点。They gave the speaker a clap.他们向演讲人鼓掌。The speaker looked self-conscious.演讲人显得不大自然。She suggested that at our next meeting we invite a visiting speaker.她建议下次我们开会时邀请一位客座演讲人An electronic device amplified the speaker's voice.电子设备放大了演讲人的声音。The speaker was full of his subject.演讲人全神贯注于自己的讲题。There was a little cluster of admirers round the guest speaker.一小群仰慕者围在特邀演讲人的身边。The speaker paused here for a moment.演讲人讲到这儿停了一下。The speaker changed the subject with incredible nimbleness.演讲人极其聪明地转换了话题。Their hearts vibrated to the speaker's stirring appeal.他们听了演讲人激动人心的呼吁心潮起伏。The speaker mounted the platform.那位演讲人登上了讲台。The speaker stuck closely to his subject.演讲人紧扣主题。The speaker has a very high voice.这位演讲人声音很尖。Does anyone have any questions for our speaker?哪位听众有问题要问我们的演讲人吗?They hooted at the speaker.他们向演讲人发出嘘叫声。The speaker tried to drive in his point.演讲人试图灌输他的观点。Now without further hesitation, let me introduce you to tonight's main speaker.不要再迟疑了,现在让我给你们介绍今晚的主要演讲人Dr Gerald Jeffers is the guest speaker.杰拉尔德·杰弗斯博士是特邀演讲人The speaker gave no thought to the sensibilities of his audience. 这个演讲人不考虑听众的感受。It's my great pleasure to introduce tonight's speaker, Professor Collins.我很高兴能把今晚的演讲人介绍给大家,他就是柯林斯教授。The speaker ranted and thumped the table.演讲人大叫大嚷并用拳头捶桌子。The chairman introduced the speaker to the audience.主席将演讲人介绍给听众。The speaker's voice couldn't reach to the back of the auditorium.演讲人的声音礼堂后排听不见。The mob roughed up the speaker.暴徒殴打演讲人Housing improvement was the speaker's text.改善住房是那位演讲人的题目。I'd like to put a question to the first speaker.我想向第一位演讲人提个问题。The speaker was a man of poor presence.那个演讲人没有风度。The speaker pressed home his point, and his opponent admitted that he had been wrong.演讲人终于阐明了自己的观点,对手承认自己错了。 The speaker was regrettably indisposed.很遗憾,演讲人身体不适。The speaker put a question to the listeners who made no answer.演讲人提出一个问题,听众未作回答。The speaker drawled on.演讲人拖长声调说个没完。The speaker kindled our interest in dinosaurs.那位演讲人引起了我们对恐龙的兴趣。There was a hail of applause when the speaker mounted the platform.演讲人走上讲台时爆发出一阵掌声。I'm sure you'll all join me in thanking today's speaker.我相信大家会和我一起对今天的演讲人表示感谢。The audience was swayed by the speaker's conviction.听众被演讲人的说服力所打动。The audience hung on the lips of the speaker.听众专注地倾听演讲人讲的每一句话。The speaker's circumvolution bored the audience.演讲人拐弯抹角,使听众们感到厌烦。The speaker can easily work any crowd up into a fever of excitement.演讲人能轻而易举地讲得人群兴奋若狂。The speaker lost himself in verbiage.演讲人废话连篇,忘乎所以。




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