例句 |
The air con controls the temperature and humidity in all the rooms.空调控制所有房间的温度和湿度。The air was heavy with moisture.空气的湿度很大。The humidity is relatively low.湿度相对较低。One must wait until the soil is damp enough, and, more important, warm enough.一定要等到土壤有足够的湿度,更重要的是,有足够的温度。Rainfall is associated with humidity.下雨和湿度有关。The air is heavy with moisture.空气的湿度很大。High humidity can make your loaves turn out doughy.湿度过高可能使你的面包烤不透。This device monitors room temperature and humidity.这个仪器用来监测房间的温度和湿度。Rainfall affects the moisture content of the atmosphere.降雨会影响空气湿度。 |