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词汇 confide in
例句 She confided in him all her hopes and dreams.她向他吐露了她所有的希冀与梦想。Don't confide in him, because he blabs.别向他透露秘密,他会说出去。You can confide in your own abilities without being conceited.你可以自信有能力而不引以自负。He had no one to confide in.他没有可以倾诉的人。One of the members of the surgical team leaked the story to a fellow physician who, in turn, confided in a reporter.手术小组的一名成员把这个消息泄露给了在一起工作的一个内科医生,后者又透露给了一位记者。She's nice, but I don't feel I can confide in her.她人很好,可我还是觉得我不能对她推心置腹。He is very much a private man and confides in no one.他是个非常隐秘的人,从不向人吐露他的秘密。I confide in him and he has never deceived me.我信赖他,他从来没有欺骗过我。She often confides in me.她经常向我吐露心声。She confided in Paul about her unhappiness.她向保罗倾吐她的不快乐。I've never felt able to confide in my sister.我从来都觉得无法对姐姐吐露心中的秘密。Having someone you can confide in is a real blessing.有个你可以说说心里话的人真是件幸事。She wanted to confide in Alan, but was frightened he might disapprove.她想向阿伦吐露秘密,但害怕他会不赞成。Nowadays girls seldom confide in their mothers.现在的女孩很少对母亲吐露心事。She confides in no one.她不同任何人说心里话。I knew she had some fundamental problems in her marriage because she had confided in me a year earlier.我知道她的婚姻存在一些根本性的问题,因为她一年前跟我透露过。We never confided in her, because she would blab.我们从不跟她说心里话,因她会说漏嘴。I have reasons not to confide in you or anyone else.我不能把事情告诉你或别人是有原因的。Felix has never, ever confided in me.费利克斯从来都未向我倾诉过。She was not ready to let down her guard and confide in him.她还没有对他放松警惕并加以信任。He was a good listener and Elinor found it easy to confide in him.他是个很好的倾听者,艾莉诺觉得容易跟他吐露心事。He wanted desperately to confide in someone about his feelings of failure.他渴望找个人诉说自己失败的感觉。He still couldn't understand the impulse that had made him confide in Cassandra.他仍然难以理解是什么样的冲动使他向卡桑德拉吐露了秘密。Do you confide in his ability to do the job?你相信他有能力做这工作吗? Harriet confided in me that she and Mark were considering divorce.哈丽雅特向我吐露她跟马克正考虑离婚。




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