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词汇 Mother
例句 Mother left me $10,000.母亲去世,留给我一万美元。Mother always lashes out food for the children's party.母亲总是为孩子们的聚会提供大量食品。Mother was a buffer between my brother's anger and me.我兄弟对我怒气冲冲,母亲在中间起着缓冲作用。Mother does the wash twice a week.母亲一星期洗两次衣服。 Mother chided me for coming home late.母亲责怪我回家太迟。If he needed help, Mother came rushing to the rescue.如果他需要帮助,母亲就会赶紧来帮忙。Mother gulped back her tears.母亲忍住了眼泪。The dress was too big, so Mother put a tuck in it.衣服太大,所以妈妈在里面打了裥。It is better to try to work with, rather than against, Mother Nature.最好是与大自然合作而不是对抗。Father directed a knowing grin at Mother.父亲向母亲会意地一笑。Housework keeps Mother on the fly all day.家务劳动使母亲整天忙忙碌碌。Mother did carry on so when she heard the bad news.母亲听到那个坏消息时顿时大恸。Mother took a swat at Jack's arm.母亲打了杰克胳膊一下。Mother turtles burrow into the sand to lay their eggs.母龟在沙里挖洞产卵。Mother telegraphed me yesterday.妈妈昨天打电报给我。Mother disapproved of his job in a pub.母亲不赞成他在酒吧工作。Come along now, Mother,get into the ambulance.来,大娘,上救护车吧。Mother could get up a good head of steam when riled.妈妈被惹火了会大发雷霆的。Thank you, Mother.谢谢您,院长!Mother let loose on her shopping trip today and bought things for all of us.母亲今天放手采购,给我们大家都买了东西。Mother is devoted to Dad although they squabble all the time.尽管母亲总是为琐事和父亲争吵,但她深爱着父亲。Mother Teresa is an elderly nun who has devoted her life to fighting poverty.德肋撒嬷嬷是一位毕生致力于消除贫困事业的年迈修女。Mother and child form a close attachment.母子情深。Mother rhapsodized about your beautiful kitchen.妈妈热烈赞赏你家漂亮的厨房。All of a sudden, right after the summer, Mother gets married.突然,刚过夏天,妈妈就结婚了。Mother flatly refused to see the doctor.母亲一口拒绝去看医生。Mother came out and pegged wet clothes on the line.妈妈走出来,把湿衣服用衣夹夹在绳子上。The party was in celebration of Mother's silver wedding.聚会是为庆祝母亲的银婚。Mother wept for joy.母亲高兴得流眼泪。Mother listed the items she wanted to buy.母亲把她想买的东西列出清单。Mother Teresa visited her native Albania.特蕾莎修女访问了她的祖国阿尔巴尼亚。Mother liked it best when Daniel got money.丹尼尔拿到钱的时候,母亲是最高兴的。Mother Teresa offered her service and love to people of every caste and creed.特雷莎修女为各社会阶层和信条的人服务,奉献自己的关爱。Mother mistrusts any man who wears his hair long.母亲不信任所有留长头发的男人。Mother's not strong. She can't walk without holding on to someone's arm.母亲身体不好,她不扶着别人的手臂就不能走。Mother used to spin her own yarn.母亲过去一直是自己纺纱的。Mother is nursing the baby.母亲正在给婴儿喂奶。Mother was busily cutting sandwiches.母亲正在忙著切三明治。Everyone sang as Mother pounded out the family favourites on the piano.随着母亲在钢琴上重重弹奏出一首首家里人都喜爱的歌曲,大家都唱起歌来。Mother gives the children free rein.母亲任凭孩子们自由发展。




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