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He is a man of some depth.他是个有些深度的男人。In a culture that too often lacks perspective, these cartoons give Americans the chance to laugh at themselves.在一种通常缺乏思想深度的文化中,这些漫画给了美国人一个自我解嘲的机会。Both housings are waterproof to a depth of two metres.两个机罩的防水深度均为两米。The young man dived to a depth of 40 feet.那个青年人潜到四十尺的深度。While you were still playing Club Penguin, I was exploring the farthest reaches of the deep web.当你还沉迷于企鹅俱乐部的时候,我已经在探索深度网络的最高境界了。He was often ridiculed by his schoolmates because he wore thick spectacles.他因为戴了深度眼镜常受到同学们的戏弄。Even profound amnesiacs can usually recall how to perform daily activities.即使是深度遗忘症患者通常也能记得怎样进行日常活动。Is this lake fathomable?这个湖可测明深度吗? Community radio is a concept which is much more localized.社区广播是一个将服务深度局域化的概念。Students will test the temperature of the water at different/varying/various depths.学生们将测量不同深度的水温。The depth of this cave has been variously calculated.对于此洞深度的计算各不相同。They are sounding the river.他们在测量河道的深度。By drilling, geologists can take measurements at various depths.通过钻探,地质学家可以在不同深度测量。The newspaper is proud of the depth of its coverage of international affairs.这家报纸对自己国际时事报道的深度感到自豪。He's under heavy/mild sedation.他正处于深度/轻微的镇静状态。Does a youth gain deepness or power in becoming a man?少年成年后是获得深度还是力量? The pressure varies with the depth.压力随深度而变。Below this depth, there is an abrupt shift to colder, saltier water.在这一深度以下,水陡然变得更冰冷,咸度更大。The crew must often sound the bottom to be sure of enough water.水手们必须时常探测河底深度以肯定有足够的水深。We're able to do in-depth research and thus spot future trends.我们能作深度的研究,因而能看出未来的趋向。We made a small hole in the earth, just deep enough to cover the roots of the plant.我们在泥土里挖了一个小洞,深度正好足够覆盖植物的根部。Community radio is a concept which is much more localised.社区广播是一个将服务深度局域化的概念。I tried to gauge the depth of her sleep by the rate of her respiration.我试图透过她的呼吸速率来测定她的睡眠深度。We measured the depth of the well.我们测量了井的深度。It has been a while since the economy experienced a deep economic downturn.经济深度下探已经持续了一段时间。But the issues on his mind and the depth of his ideas warrant a fresh round of respect.但是他脑海中所思考的问题和他思想的深度再次激发了对他的尊敬。He had taken Todd and Maxine on a grand tour of properties he thought might be suitable.他带着托德和玛克辛踏上了一次他认为可能不错的房地产深度观光游。They were in an advanced state of intoxication.他们处于深度醉酒状态。Deep fatigue could drag depression and moodiness in its wake.伴随深度疲劳而来的是心情沮丧和郁郁寡欢。There was undeniably a strong theoretical dimension to his thinking.不可否认,他的思想很有理论深度。Depth of training is looked upon with favour by many employers.许多雇主看重培训的深度。A fathom is the unit of measurement used in calculating sea depth.英寻是用于计算海底深度的单位。My husband is extremely long-sighted while I am very short-sighted.我丈夫深度远视,而我则严重近视。We discussed the issue in some depth.我们对这个问题进行了一定深度的讨论。We measured the height, breadth, and depth of each piece of furniture.我们量了每件家具的高度、宽度和深度。This corresponds to the expected formula of an extensively condensed material.这与一种深度缩合物的预期分子式相符。She's heavily involved in the project.她深度介入了该项工程。The patient is being kept under heavy sedation.病人正处于服药后的深度镇静状态。He was so doped up that he couldn't remember a thing!他处于深度迷醉,什么事情也想不起来了。 |