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词汇 conducts
例句 Copper conducts electricity, but plastic does not.铜导电,但塑料不导电。The priest conducts the church service.牧师主持教堂的礼拜仪式。He conducts a symphony.他指挥一个交响乐团。She conducts extremely well.她指挥得好极了。The group conducts its affairs in private.这个组织暗地里开展活动。One of the properties of copper is that it conducts heat and electricity very well.铜的特性之一是导热导电能力强。I don't approve of the way he conducts himself.我不认可他的表现。He is well-spoken and conducts himself as a gentleman.他谈吐文雅,举止彬彬有礼。Water conducts heat faster than air.水比空气导热快。The substance conducts electricity more efficiently at raised temperatures.这种材质温度越高导电性越强。Copper conducts electricity better than other materials.铜的导电性比其他材料好。She conducts research into/on the causes of Alzheimer's disease.她对阿尔茨海默氏病的病因进行了研究。I like the way the company conducts business.我喜欢这家公司的经营方式。He conducts the choir with great skill and emotion.他指挥合唱时技巧高超且感情充沛。The way he conducts himself reflects on the party and will increase criticisms against him.他个人的行事方式给该党招来非议,也会招致更多对他个人的批评。She conducts herself with great dignity.她表现得非常端庄。Being a metal, copper readily conducts heat.金属铜能快速导热。The man is a fanatic who is determined to wipe out any opposition to the way he conducts himself.这人是个狂热分子,决意扫除任何反对其行事作风的声音。




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