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词汇 浅色
例句 Joggers should wear light-colored clothes to increase their visibility. 慢跑健身者应该穿浅色衣服以增强自己的可见度。Because of the clement May weather, they were optimistically wearing pastel summer dresses.五月的天气温和宜人,所以他们乐观地穿上了浅色夏装。She claims to have never bleached her hair.她声称从未将头发染成浅色She wears a lot of pastels.她常常穿浅色的衣服。She tried several dyes to lighten her hair.她试用过多种染发剂,想把头发染成浅色He has light skin/hair.他有白皙的皮肤/浅色的头发。In warm weather, wear light-coloured clothing to reflect the heat.热天可穿浅色衣服把热量反射。You look nice in light colours.你穿浅色很好看。His shoe had rucked up one corner of the pale rug.他的鞋子把浅色地毯的一角弄皱了。She was asked to lighten her hair for a TV series.为拍一部电视连续剧,她被要求将头发染成浅色Leslie lightens her hair and has now had it cut into a short, feathered style.莱斯莉将头发染成了浅色,现在又剪了个短蓬头。White wine is produced from light-coloured grapes or from dark-coloured grapes with the skin removed.白葡萄酒是用浅色的葡萄或用深色的葡萄去皮后酿成的。A dark carpet won't mark as easily as a light one.深色地毯不像浅色地毯那么容易留下痕迹。Blonde skirts were the vogue for young women last summer.去年夏天浅色裙子在年轻妇女中风靡一时。Each room is distinctively decorated with light, bright colours and floral prints.每个房间都以亮浅色和印花图案装饰成独特的风格。What kind of exposure should I use for a dark subject on a light background?我该采用哪种曝光模式来拍摄浅色背景下的深色物体?Fair complexions burn more easily than dark ones.浅色的皮肤比深色的皮肤更容易晒伤。Light colours brighten a dark room.浅色使阴暗的房间明亮起来。Pale colours reflect light.浅色易反射光。The walls are light in colour and covered in paper.墙是浅色的,并贴了壁纸。Light clothes are effective in keeping cool in warm weather.热天穿浅色衣服能使人感到凉快。The formality of his dark business suit was relieved by a light-coloured tie and grey shoes.他那一身深色的常服配上浅色的领带和灰色的皮鞋就显得不那么一本正经了。You should wear something light-coloured when you're cycling at night so that you're more visible.夜里骑自行车的时候你应该穿浅色的衣服,这样就会更加显眼。She has long fair hair and wears casually fashionable clothes.她有一头浅色长发,穿着休闲随意的时装。A light-colored carpet will show dirt.浅色地毯不经脏。Steve was looking very dashing in a light-coloured suit.史蒂夫穿着浅色西服,看上去很潇洒。Pale colours are definitely in this summer.浅色绝对是今夏流行色。On fair skin, pale shades are delicate enough not to overpower your colouring.浅色太阳镜色彩柔和,皮肤白皙的人戴上不会与肤色形成强烈的反差。She was a tall, good-looking woman with fair, wavy hair framing a clear-cut face.她是一个身材高挑的美女,浅色的卷发衬着一张轮廓鲜明的脸。The light-coloured dress will show dirt.浅色衣服不耐脏。The lobby is decorated in pastels.大厅用浅色装饰。Pale colours are much more in vogue than autumnal bronzes and coppers.浅色比黄褐色和红棕色这些秋季色彩更流行。She added highlights to her hair. 她把她的几缕头发染成发亮的浅色If you're going to have such dark walls I really think you should have a pale carpet.如果你想把墙壁刷成这样的深色,我真的认为你的地毯应该铺浅色的。Because of the heat, officials are asking people to wear light, loose-fitting clothing and to drink plenty of water.由于高温,官方呼吁民众穿浅色、宽松的服装并大量饮水。Light colours provide an effective backdrop for pictures or a mirror.浅色是挂放图画或镜子很有效果的衬托。Mary suggests using a neutral lip pencil.玛丽建议用浅色唇线笔。Gary's had his hair bleached.加里把头发漂成了浅色




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