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词汇 predictable
例句 Do recessions follow a predictable cycle/pattern?衰退是否遵循可预见的周期/模式?The results of most of the studies have been predictable.大部分研究的结果都是可以预测的。CPUs are designed to process instructions in a predictable order.中央处理器按预定顺序处理各种指令。This was a predictable reaction, given the bitter hostility between the two countries.考虑到这两个国家之间激烈的敌对情绪,这种反应是可以预见的。The book's plot was lifeless and predictable.这本书的情节索然无味并且全在意料之中。Programmes on television have degenerated into weary, predictable repetitions of each other.电视节目愈来愈糟,尽是些沉闷乏味看头就知尾的情节雷同之作。Women's lives used to follow a predictable pattern: school, then marriage and children.以前女性的生活往往遵循一种可以预见的模式:上学,然后结婚生子。How very predictable you are sometimes.你有些时候太墨守成规了。Comets appear at predictable times.彗星在预计的时间出现。Logan's reaction was predictable.洛根的反应是可想而知的。Senior citizens long for a more predictable and secure future.老年人渴望有一个更稳定、更可预见的未来。The novel disappoints by being predictable and overly long.这部小说因其情节老套且篇幅冗长而令读者失望。It was a predictable death for a man who had lived a life of violence.他过这种充满暴力的生活,丧命是意料中的事。My dad's so predictable - every evening he comes home, has two beers, and falls asleep in front of the TV.我爸爸总是这副样子—每天晚上回到家里,喝两杯啤酒,就在电视机前睡着了。She writes novels with very predictable plots.她写的小说情节都很好预料。This remark enlivened an otherwise dull and predictable speech.这句话让原本枯燥老套的演讲变得生动有趣起来。The outcome is not always predictable.后果并非都可以预料。The result was entirely predictable.结果完全是可想而知的。The director's use of the usual romantic conventions made the film boring and predictable.导演采用了惯常的浪漫手法,使得影片枯燥乏味并且情节老套。The film's plot is predictable and the acting is mediocre.这部影片的情节都能猜得到,演员的演技也不够好。They did their work at a steady and predictable rate.他们以稳定、预想的速度展开工作。Perhaps I had misjudged him, and he was not so predictable after all.也许我对他的看法是错误的,毕竟他不是可以让人一眼看透的人。There is a sameness to his stories that makes them too predictable.他写的故事千篇一律,很好预测。The drug is usually effective but unfortunately the side effects are not always predictable.那种药物通常是有效的,但不幸的是其副作用不一定能够预测出来。The snow had a predictable effect on traffic.这场雪对交通造成的影响是可以预见的。The ending to the film was just so predictable.这部电影的结局太老套了。I knew he would say that. He's so predictable.我就知道他会那样说。他这个人一贯如此。One critic derides the book as dull and predictable.一位评论家嘲笑那本书沉闷无趣又缺乏新意。I'm getting too predictable.我越来越墨守成规了。It was the predictable result of their negligence.这个因他们的疏忽所造成的结果是可以预料到的。It was predictable that the medical establishment, so hidebound and reactionary, would reject Dr Stone's ideas.医学界思想顽固守旧,可以预料他们会拒绝接受斯通医生的见解。Psychological twists perk up an otherwise predictable storyline.心理转折使原本老套的故事情节变得生动有趣。The results are not uniform or predictable.所得结果并不一致,并且不可预见。Recent changes make the future even less predictable.最近的变化使未来更难预测。It was a predictable, but nevertheless funny, story.这个故事虽然老套却很有趣。The government's reaction was sadly predictable.可悲的是,政府的反应完全可以预料到。The results of the study were completely predictable. 这个研究结果与我们料想的完全一样。In Australia, the weather follows a fairly predictable pattern.在澳大利亚,天气变化的模式基本上是可以预料的。The plot is so predictable the audience laughed at every supposed twist.剧情太老套了,观众在每一个设定的转折处都发出了笑声。Freedom was denied to the vast majority, with the predictable consequence of widespread lawlessness.大多数人不能获得自由,可以想见的结果就是普遍的目无法纪。




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