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词汇 predecessors
例句 He has, however, achieved more than any of his predecessors.然而他比他的任何哪位前任都完成得多。Algood seems to have learned nothing from the faults of his predecessors.阿尔古德好像没有从他前任的失误中学到点什么。It would be unfair to suggest that he will be no more effective than his predecessors.暗示他不会比前任们更有作为是不公平的。They reacted against the formality of their predecessors.他们一反前任的刻板拘泥而行之。Today's computers are much faster than their predecessors were.现在的电脑比以前的快多了。The latest Ferrari is not only faster than its predecessors but also more comfortable.最新款的法拉利赛车不仅比老款的更快,而且更舒适。Her reticence was in sharp contrast to the glamour and star status of her predecessors.她的寡言少语和前任们的光鲜亮丽、明星范儿十足形成了鲜明的对比。Quitting now would dishonor the memory of our predecessors.现在退出会有辱我们先辈的名声。This leaves the Prime Minister, like his predecessors, earnestly trying to talk down wages.这就使得首相和他的前任们一样,急于削减工资。The government inherited an impossible situation from its predecessors.这届政府从前任那里接过了一个非常棘手的烂摊子。The scheme, like its two predecessors, had little chance to prove itself.这个方案,就像原先的两个方案一样,几乎没有什么自我验证的机会。He is working hard to excel his predecessors.他正努力超越他的前任。Thatcher is unique among her predecessors in having given the English language a brand new ism, created from her own name.撒切尔为英语词汇增添了一个全新的“主义”,以其本人姓氏命名,这与前任各届首相相比是独一无二的。




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