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词汇 predicted
例句 He read the sky and predicted rain.他观察天空后预告有雨。All the forecasts predicted heavy casualties in the land battle.所有预测显示这场陆战会严重减员。General Powell predicted that in the future it might even be possible to stage joint military exercises.鲍威尔将军预测将来甚至可能举行联合军事演习。He incorrectly predicted that the Internet would be on its way out within three years.他错误地预测互联网会在三年内过时。He predicted the winners of each race with uncanny accuracy.他异常准确地预言了每场比赛的获胜者。A clairvoyant predicted that something terrible would happen to the President.一位据说未卜先知的人预言总统会遭遇可怕的事。Last summer I predicted an increase in terrorist violence, and recent events have borne me out.去年夏天我曾预言暴力恐怖事件会增加,近来发生的事证明我是对的。Every step in the movie is easily predicted.这部电影的每一步都不难预测。Heavy snowfalls are predicted for tonight and tomorrow.今晚和明天预计会有大雪。There were several arrests for disorderly behaviour, but for the most part the much-predicted violence did not materialize.一些人因破坏治安遭逮捕,但很多人预料发生的暴力事件基本上没有发生。Market analysts predicted a price plunge.市场分析师们预测价格会暴跌。She predicted that Argentina would be crowned world champions for a third time.她预测阿根廷将会第三次获得世界冠军。The coach brashly predicted a victory.教练轻率地预测会取胜。There was an unusually high turnout in the election, nearly twice the number predicted.参与选举投票的人出奇的多,几乎是预计人数的两倍。Forecasters say the gales may not be as bad as they initially predicted.预报员说大风也许不像他们起初预报的那么猛烈。Some biologists predicted that the damaged areas would quickly regenerate.一些生物学家预言,受灾地区会迅速恢复生机。The predicted increase in nursing jobs never materialized.护士职位要增加的预言从未成真。Independent analysts in the market predicted disaster.市场中的独立分析师预测会有灾难。The recent failure of so many internet businesses has provided a reality check for those who predicted huge profits.最近很多网络公司的破产使很多预测可以赚得巨额利润的人不得不面对现实进行反思。Terrorism in this country is predicted to increase in coming years.预计该国的恐怖活动在今后几年内还会增加。The party made modest gains in the elections, but nothing like the huge gains that were predicted.这一党派在选举中取得一定成绩,但和预期的巨大收获相差甚远。This result had been widely predicted by the opinion polls.这样的结果已经被各项民意调查预测到了。The results can be predicted with mathematical certainty.所有的结果都可精准地预测到。The stock market's highest point this week was well under what was predicted.本周股市最高点远远低于预测的水平。The fortune teller had predicted the death of someone close to him.算命先生预言过某位和他亲近的人会死亡。He predicted their response with amazing prescience.他神机妙算,预测出他们的反应。The doctors didn't mince their words, and predicted the worst.医生直言相告,并做了最坏的预测。He predicted the fall of world capitalism.他预言了世界资本主义的衰落。Meteorologists have predicted mild rains for the next few days.气象专家预测未来几天有小雨。He predicted correctly that there was going to be a stock market crash.他准确地预测到股市即将崩盘。The gales may not be as bad as initially predicted.大风也许不像开始预报的那样猛烈。He predicted a brilliant future for the child.他预言这孩子前程似锦。He predicted that my hair would grow back in no time.他预言我的头发立刻会长回原样。He praised the union's aims but predicted its early demise.他对联盟的目标表示赞赏,但预言联盟很快会失败。Many of the things he predicted have come to pass.他预测的许多事情都发生了。Hollywood pundits predicted the movie would grab the top spot in the ratings, but they were wrong.好莱坞的专家预测这部电影能够荣登榜首,可是他们判断错了。The weather forecast predicted blizzards for Scotland.天气预报预计苏格兰有暴风雪。Sales are predicted to be the same as last year.销售情况预计与去年相同。Newspapers predicted that Davis would be re-elected.报纸预测戴维斯将再次当选。




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