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The dam failed catastrophically, flooding the entire valley.大坝溃堤,洪水淹没了整个山谷。The plain floods every spring.每年春天这个平原都会被洪水淹没。The flood devoured the land.洪水淹没了陆地。All roads leading into the village are flooded.通向村庄的所有道路都被洪水淹没了。Streets and houses were drowned by the floods.洪水淹没了街道和房屋。The fields were inundated by heavy floods.田野被肆虐的洪水淹没了。A considerable/significant portion of the city was flooded.这个城市的大部分地区都被洪水淹没了。The town was submerged by the flood.这个镇被洪水淹没了。A flood inundated the whole area.洪水淹没了整个地区。Flooded roads are hindering relief efforts.洪水淹没道路给救援工作带来困难。 |