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词汇 泳衣
例句 Swimsuits came in tiny two-piece bikinis and one-piece designs.泳衣有上下两小件的比基尼式和连体式两种。A one-piece is more flattering than a bikini.一件式泳衣比比基尼穿上显得更好看。Don't forget to rinse out your swimsuit.别忘了把你的泳衣冲洗一下。At the resort's outdoor café, bathing suits and sandals are the order of the day. 在这处旅游胜地的室外咖啡店里很流行穿泳衣和凉鞋。One-piece swimsuits are more fashionable than bikinis this year.今年连体游泳衣比比基尼泳衣更流行。I love to put on a bathing suit and parade on the beach.我喜欢穿着泳衣在海滩上招摇而行。The right style of swimsuit can help by hiding bulges.款式合适的泳衣可以帮助遮盖赘肉。She preferred wearing more modest swimsuits.她喜欢穿保守些的泳衣There's always a rush on swimsuits in the hot weather.到了热天泳衣总是热销。Be sure to pack your bathing suit and a towel.一定要装上泳衣和毛巾。The swimsuit comes in navy with white spots or blue with green spots.这款泳衣有藏青色带白色圆点的,也有蓝色带绿色圆点的。There were grains of sand in the crotch of her swimming costume.泳衣的裆部有些沙粒。When buying a swimsuit on a budget, keep it simple; simply blue and white.要是没有太多钱买泳衣的话,那就简单点,买条普通的蓝白相间的就行。I wrung out my wet bathing suit.我拧干了我的湿泳衣




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