例句 |
When I hear that song, it always does something to me.每当我听到那首歌时,心中总会泛起波澜。The ship would lie there mirrored in a perfectly unmoving glossy sea.船会停靠在那里,映衬在一片波澜不兴的湛蓝海水之中。The sea was calm, perfectly flat.海面风平浪静,没有一丝波澜。Every diagnosis of dementia invariably sets off a chain reaction at home.每一例痴呆的诊断总是会在家庭内激起一连串波澜。The news sent shock waves through the community that have continued to reverberate to this day.这则消息震惊了整个社区,直到现在还波澜未息。 |