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词汇 沿路
例句 The bus lurched along/down the highway.公共汽车晃晃悠悠地沿路前行。A line of tanks came up the road from the city.一排坦克由市里沿路开来。I followed the road up onto the top of the wolds.沿路向上来到了一片高地的顶上。There are frequent hotels along the road.沿路有许许多多家旅馆。The spectators lining the road cheered the racers on.沿路的观众为参赛者加油。Stay on the left-hand pavement to follow a road downhill round a curve.继续顺着左边的人行道拐一个弯,然后沿路下山。As you move north, the landscape takes on a different character.向北走,沿路景色迥异。Claire hurried along the road.克莱尔匆匆地沿路而行。Disconsolately, he walked back down the course.他闷闷不乐地沿路返回。They walked along the road in the moonlight.他们在月光下沿路散步。I drove west along the road.沿路向西驶去。The old man plodded wearily along the road.老人吃力地沿路慢慢走去。There are army checkpoints every few miles along the road.沿路每隔几英里就设有一个军队检查站。His old truck, knocking and smoking, pulled down the road and out of sight.他那辆旧卡车一边冒着烟一边哐里哐啷地沿路向前驶去,直到驶出了视线。Litter problems and a high fire risk mean that there is now restricted camping on the route.垃圾问题以及很高的火灾危险使现时的沿路野营活动受到限制。He came sauntering down the road with his hands in his pockets.他双手插在口袋里悠闲自在地沿路漫步。Andrew pedalled up the road towards the town centre.安德鲁骑着自行车沿路去市中心。Theresa had another idea. We would hitchhike to her hometown, and live in her brother's garage特蕾莎另有个主意。我们可以沿路搭便车到她的家乡,然后住在她哥哥的车库里。A sudden gust caught her hat and sent it careering wildly down the road.突然一阵狂风刮走了她的帽子,吹得沿路飞滚。The car roared down the street.这辆车沿路呼啸疾驰。Down the road you'll see an orchard. Plop down there if you like.沿路往前有个果园。如果你高兴,可以在那里歇歇脚。Europa House is one of those hundreds of nondescript buildings along the Bath Road.欧罗巴大楼是巴斯大道沿路那些成百上千幢毫无特色的建筑之一。They bowled their hoops along the road.他们沿路滚铁环。She jumped on her motorbike and raced off down the road.她跳上摩托车,沿路疾驶而去。




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