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词汇 水边
例句 She dragged the canoe down to the water.她把独木舟拉到水边The bank eased down to the water in a gently sloping stretch.河岸以平缓的坡度徐徐伸展到水边They like to vacation near the water.他们喜欢去水边度假。The field extends upslope away from the water.田地从水边向山坡上蔓延。The property sweeps down to the water's edge.这块地呈缓坡一直延伸到水边Luke pointed out two large birds by the water's edge.卢克指出水边有两只大鸟。Trees and bushes grew down to the water's edge.树和灌木丛一直长到了水边His heart missed a beat as he saw the body of a small child at the water's edge.看到水边一具幼儿的尸体时,他心跳都停顿了一下。They all walked barefoot across the damp sand to the water's edge.他们全都光着脚走过潮湿的沙地来到水边The hotel grounds slope gently down to the water.饭店的地势缓缓倾斜直到水边The trees grew almost to the water's edge.那些树几乎长到了水边The hotel is delightfully situated close to the waterfront.宾馆紧靠水边,周围风景赏心悦目。The bank slopes gradually down to the river.河岸平缓地向下一直延伸到水边Benedict came up level where the others stood by the water's edge.贝内迪克特与其他人一同站到了水边




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