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She stared at the ring of sweat her glass had made on the counter.她盯着自己的酒杯在柜台上留下的一圈水珠看。We get a lot of condensation on the walls in the winter.冬天,我们的墙上会凝结很多水珠。There was a lot of condensation on the windows.窗户上有许多水珠。He used his sleeve to wipe the condensation off the glass.他用袖子擦掉玻璃上凝结的水珠。The window panes were running with condensation.凝结的水珠在窗玻璃上流动。The walls were dripping with condensation.墙壁上有水珠正往外滴落。Emma wiped a slick of moisture from her brow.埃玛擦去眉毛上湿漉漉的水珠。Beads of moisture perspired through the porous walls of the clay jug.水珠透过陶罐渗透性的罐壁渗了出来。He wiped the sweat off the bottle.他擦掉了瓶子上凝结的水珠。The rope whipped clear of the water, throwing up a spray of droplets.绳子猛地甩过水面,带起一片水珠。When we heat the house in the winter, condensation forms on the windows.冬天屋里一烧暖气,窗上就有凝结的水珠。The cave walls were beaded with moisture.这个洞穴壁上布满了水珠。The cave walls were beaded with moisture.岩洞壁上挂满水珠。Moisture glinted on his moustache.他的小胡子上水珠闪亮。 |