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He was accused of having sex with a minor.他被指控与一名未成年人发生性关系。He was prosecuted for having sex with a girl who was underage.他因和未成年少女发生性关系而被起诉。The drill instructor was court-martialed for having sex with a trainee.军训教官因为和一名受训学员发生性关系而受到军法审判。Fiona doesn't believe in having sex before marriage.菲奥娜不赞成婚前性行为。Teenagers should be taught to think carefully before having sex.应该教育青少年做爱之前仔细考虑清楚。I had no intention of having sex with him on a first date.我并没想第一次约会就和他上床。We can't stop teens from having sex, but we can help them to avoid getting pregnant.我们无法阻止青少年有性行为,但我们可帮助她们不致于怀孕。Some of the girls started having sex mainly because their boyfriends were pressuring them.一些女孩有了性行为主要是因为她们的男友在施加压力。 |