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例句 Canada was completely stunned by the shooting, for it thinks of itself as a peaceful, gentle nation.加拿大举国上下对这次枪击事件极为震惊,因为它一向认为自己是一个和平、文明的国家。Suburban voters are completely against vouchers.郊区选民完全反对私立学校奖学金。We got completely lost in the maze.我们在迷宫中彻底迷了路。All the electrical wiring in the house was being completely overhauled because of the risk of fire.因为怕有起火的危险,房子里所有的供电线路都在进行彻底检修。A completely new kitchen would be ideal, but I don't think that we can afford it.全新的厨房最理想,但我想我们付不起。By the end of the week I was completely strung out.到周末时我疲惫极了。He's completely infatuated with the woman and won't hear a word said against her.他被这个女人迷得神魂颠倒,听不进一句她的坏话。The marathon talks exhausted him completely.马拉松式的谈判使他精疲力竭。The ship was completely buried in the soft loam of the sea bottom.这条船被完全埋到海底松软的肥土里。They've given the place a completely new look this year.他们今年已使这个地方焕然一新。The landscape was completely desolate.景色十分荒凉。None of us was completely taken with the idea of staying there for an entire month.在那里待上整整一个月,我们没有一个人完全赞同这个主意。The joke was completely lost on Chris.这个笑话克里斯一点也没有听懂。She came home completely smashed at about 2 o'clock this morning.她今天凌晨两点左右回家,喝得酩酊大醉。My father is completely exhausted.我父亲精疲力竭。It's no use asking her to do anything - she's completely disorganized.叫她做事有什么用—一她这人一点条理都没有。While Kurt was away on business, his wife completely redecorated the house.库尔特在外头出差的时候,他妻子把房子彻底重新装修了一遍。Jett maintains that he is completely innocent of the charges against him.面对指控,杰特坚称自己是完全清白无辜的。Suntanned and relaxed, looking calmly about the room, he appeared completely in command.他皮肤晒得黑黑的,神态悠闲,镇定地环视房间,显得胸有成竹。Her little car was completely flattened in the accident.她的小汽车在车祸中完全给压扁了。He'll do whatever I tell him to do. He's completely in my power.我叫他做什么他就会做什么,他完全听我的。She completely dominated the conversation.谈话完全由她主导。After an hour he realised he was completely running with sweat.一个小时后,他发现自己已经大汗淋漓了。That question baffled me completely.那个问题使我完全摸不着头脑。I completely support your decision to stay.我完全同意你要留下来的决定。She was raised in a strict Catholic household but seems completely unashamed and relaxed about sex.她在一个家教严格的天主教家庭长大,但是在性的问题上却是不知廉耻,非常放荡。The new plastic is completely inflexible.这种新塑胶没有一点儿弹性。Once the drugs get ahold of you, it just changes you completely.一旦被毒瘾控制,你就会跟完全变了个人似的。All other political parties there have been completely banned.那里其他所有政党已被彻底取缔。At the cinema I am completely illuded.在电影院里我完全置身于幻觉之中。Don't ask Tim to fix it. He's completely useless.别叫蒂姆来修理,他根本不行。Because bitcoin is completely decentralized, no one is completely invested in the long-term success of the system.因为比特币是完全分散化控制,没有人对它的未来完全投入。I understand your concern, but the operation is completely safe.我了解你担心什么,但手术是完全没有危险的。Have you gone completely doolally?你完全发疯了吗?The factory was completely bombed-out during the war.这座工厂在战争期间被彻底炸毁了。He was completely beguiled by her beauty.他完全被她的美貌迷住了。His ideas and mine were completely/fully in accord. = His ideas were completely/fully in accord with mine. 他的想法和我的完全一致。She gave herself over completely to her work. 她全身心地投入到她的工作中。Because the train was delayed, all the coaches were completely jammed.由于火车晚点,所有客车上都完全挤满了人。Having a baby changes your life completely.有了孩子会彻底改变一个人的生活。




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