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词汇 wrinkles
例句 It dry-cleans beautifully and wrinkles hang out.它干洗起来很漂亮,皱纹挂一挂就去掉了。I ran my hands over my skirt to smooth out the wrinkles.我用手把裙子上的褶皱抚平。Is there anything you can do to prevent wrinkles?你有什么防皱的办法吗?I see they've airbrushed out your wrinkles.我看到他们把你的皱纹修掉了。The bright lights tend to accentuate wrinkles.强光会使皱纹更明显。She walked over to the bed and smoothed out the wrinkles.她走到床边,抚平皱褶。He still wore the wrinkles of anxiety on his forehead.他额上依然布满忧虑的皱纹。Fine wrinkles started to appear around her eyes.她的眼睛周围开始出现了细纹。Some deep wrinkles furrow his lower forehead.他额头下方出现了几道深深的皱纹。His face was covered with wrinkles.他满脸皱纹。It'll take us a while longer to iron out the wrinkles/kinks in the network. 我们还需要一些时间来解决网络上的小问题。She stood up and brushed the wrinkles from her dress.她站起来,拉了拉弄皱了的裙子。No one can avoid lines and wrinkles as they get older.人年纪大了免不了长皱纹。She ironed the wrinkles out of the dress.她将连衣裙熨平了。They claim that this cream will reduce wrinkles.他们称这种面霜可以减少皱纹。Linen clothing wrinkles easily.亚麻布料容易起皱。Her face was a mass of wrinkles.她的脸上布满皱纹。The photo had been retouched to remove the wrinkles around his eyes.这张照片经过了处理,除去了他眼睛周围的皱纹。If you hang that dress over the bath, the steam will get the wrinkles out.如果你把那裙子挂在浴缸上面,蒸气会把皱褶熏平的。I tried to iron out the wrinkles in my shirt.我设法将衬衫上的褶皱熨平。Ellen's face wrinkles as if she is about to sneeze.艾伦的脸皱了起来,好像要打喷嚏。He had deep wrinkles in his forehead.他的额头上起了深深的皱纹。Ask Mary, she knows all the wrinkles.去问玛丽,她有锦囊妙计。She had a face-lift to smooth away her wrinkles.她做了脸部整容,去除了皱纹。Our new cream can help banish acne and smooth away your wrinkles.我们的新乳霜有助于去除粉刺,消除皱纹。There are a lot of wrinkles to be ironed out of your ideas yet.你的主意中还有不少问题尚待解决。He has added some new wrinkles to his game.他给游戏增加了一些新花样。Her face cracked into a million pleased wrinkles.她脸上绽露出无数满意的笑纹。Her face was seamed with wrinkles.她脸上布满皱纹。She brushed out the wrinkles in her dress.她用刷子刷平连衫裙上的皱处。The trouble with linen is that it wrinkles so easily.亚麻布的麻烦是太容易起褶。Botox temporarily erases wrinkles by acting on certain facial muscles.肉毒杆菌素可作用于某些面部肌肉,暂时消除皱纹。She retains her slim figure and is free of wrinkles.她保持了苗条的身材,皮肤光滑,没有皱纹。It's made from a special fabric that doesn't leave any wrinkles after you wash it.这是用特殊面料做的,洗后不会起皱。This kind of beauty cream is said to be able to smooth away wrinkles.据说这种美容霜能消除皱纹。Press the paper down to ensure there are no wrinkles.用力压纸以确保没有褶皱。Her face was old and covered in wrinkles.她老了,脸上布满了皱纹。It minimizes the appearance of wrinkles. 它能最大限度地减轻皱纹。His eyes were lost in a maze of wrinkles.他的双眼深陷在纵横密布的皱纹之中。It will take weeks to get all the wrinkles ironed out.解决这些难题得要几周时间。




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