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词汇 writ
例句 He has been served with a High Court writ.他收到了高等法院的传票。Her distress was writ large in her face.她的痛苦明显地写在脸上。Her life was her personality writ large.她的生活是她性格放大了的写照。Hollywood is often said to be American society writ large.好莱坞常被称作美国社会的放大版。His nervousness was writ large on his face. 他的紧张都写在了脸上。The lawyer came to serve a writ on him.律师来给他送传票。National politics are just local politics writ large.国家政治只不过是扩大了的地方政治。The businessmen have issued a writ against the authority for damages.商人对当局发出了要求作出赔偿的文书。Creditors could obtain a writ for the arrest of their debtors.债权人可以获得逮捕债务人的令状。He can file a petition for a writ of habeas corpus.他可以申请人身保护令。The police officer served a summons/writ on him.警官向他送交了传票/令状。This is an example of bureaucracy writ large.这是典型的官僚主义的实例。He issued a writ against one of his accusers.他向其中一个原告发出了令状。The judge issued a writ of habeas corpus.法官签发了人身保护令状。Surprise was writ large on her face.她的脸上明显露出惊讶的神情。The Supreme Court granted a writ.最高法院发出了一个令状。They now have to cope with the legacy of their past incompetence writ large on their balance sheets.他们现在不得不处理由于过去工作不力所遗留下的问题,这在资产负债表上一看便知。He can file a petition for writ of habeas corpus.他能提出人身保护令的申请。The new Pay Tax is just old Income Tax writ large.新的工资税无非就是大幅度扩大了的旧的所得税而已。During the Civil War, Lincoln suspended the writ of habeas corpus.内战期间,林肯总统中止了人身保护令。A writ was filed in the High Court.向高等法院提交令状。He was served with a writ.他接到了法院令状。Their first step in to serve you with a writ for nonpayment of debt, and then you are forced to go to law.他们第一步是传你到庭,指控你欠债不还,这样你就被迫去打官司了。A writ was served on the company in respect of their unpaid bill.公司由于欠账而收到了传票。He has issued a writ for libel against the radio star Michael Clery.他发布了不许诽谤广播明星迈克尔・克利里的令状。The marriage of a feme sole defendant does not abate the writ.单身女性被告结婚不会导致该令状无效。




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