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词汇 wrists
例句 The policeman clicked the handcuffs round his wrists.警察咔嚓一声用手铐把他的手腕铐上。There's a slight tingle in my wrists.我的手腕有微微的刺痛感。She tried to slit her wrists. 她想要割腕自杀。Did you notice how thin her wrists were?你注意到她的手腕有多细了吗?His bony wrists and ankles were hanging out beyond his off-the-peg summer suit.他瘦削的手腕和脚踝露在他穿的那套成品夏季西装外面。She wore plastic bangles on both wrists.她两只手腕都戴着塑料手镯。With a careless flip of his wrists, he sent the ball quickly on its way.他手腕轻轻一抖,球就飞出去了。He slashed his wrists in a suicide attempt.他割腕企图自杀。The young lady at the window was in a white dress with a touch of pink chiffons at her neck and wrists.窗边的年轻女士穿著一件领口和袖口都镶有粉红花边的白连衣裙。He came within two minutes of bleeding to death after slashing his wrists.若再晚两分钟割腕的他就会因失血过多而死。She slashed her wrists with a razor blade.她用一个剃刀刀片划破了手腕。She wore huge bracelets on her wrists.她手腕上戴著大手镯。When the handcuffs came off, he rubbed his wrists to restore circulation.手铐脱下后,他搓搓手腕活活血。He slashed his wrists with a razor.他用剃刀割伤了手腕。Strong fingers encircled her tiny wrists.强有力的手指箍着她那细小的手腕。Now that she was older, Jean's bony fingers and wrists were too small for her jewelry.琼现在年纪大了,瘦骨嶙峋的手指和手腕戴她的那些首饰太小了。He slashed his wrists in a failed suicide attempt.他割腕自杀未遂。The hostage's wrists had red rings on them where the ropes had been pulled tight.人质手腕上被绳子勒过的地方留下一道道红色印痕。The manacles encircled his wrists.手铐铐住了他的手腕。The burglars bound the family's wrists behind their backs.盗贼把全家人的手腕反绑起来。Rather than pay the penalty for his crimes, he had cut his wrists.他没有接受对所犯罪行的刑罚,而是选择割腕自尽。She was slender, with delicate wrists and ankles.她身量苗条,手腕和脚踝曲线玲珑。Her wrists and ankles were slim and delicate.她的手腕和脚踝长得纤细又优雅。His wrists began to chafe against the cloth strips binding them.他的手腕开始被捆绑的布带磨得很痛。He grabbed the boys by the wrists and parted them.他抓住男孩子们的手腕,并把他们分开。He twisted her arms behind her back and clipped a pair of handcuffs on her wrists.他把她的双臂反扭背后,在她手腕上拷上一副手铐。The sweater's long sleeves kept getting all bunched up around her wrists.毛衣的长袖子在她的手腕处成皱褶收拢。A policeman snapped handcuffs around his wrists.警察咔嚓一声把手铐铐到了他的双腕上。The sweater's long sleeves kept bunching up around her wrists.毛衣的长袖子在她的手腕处成皱褶收拢。I've had a lot of pain in my joints recently, especially in my wrists and shoulders.最近我的关节痛得厉害,尤其是手腕和肩部。The computer keyboard is positioned at a slant so that typing is more comfortable for the wrists.电脑键盘斜置是为了打字时手腕更舒服。Graham slit his wrists in a suicide attempt.格雷厄姆割破双腕,企图自杀。He wears weights on his wrists when he goes running.他双腕戴着负重带跑步。The policeman slipped a pair of handcuffs on his wrists.警察把一副手铐戴到他手腕上。




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