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Most people think the project is a pointless waste of money.大部分人都认为该计划是在毫无必要地浪费金钱。I don't see any point in airing all the dirty laundry of private disputes.我认为毫无必要把一些私人争端的丑事宣扬开去。They want to build another shopping mall here, but we think it's completely unnecessary.他们要在这里再建一个大商场,但我们觉得这毫无必要。Fleury dismissed our fears as groundless, though he was secretly alarmed.弗勒里说我们的恐惧是毫无必要的,尽管他自己也暗暗担忧。Their unnecessary use of force has endangered peace efforts.他们毫无必要的动武损害了为和平所作出的努力。They have pulled out patients' teeth unnecessarily.他们毫无必要地拔掉了病人的牙。 |