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词汇 比喻
例句 Your composition will read better if you cross out these worn-out figures of speech.如果去掉这些陈腐的比喻,你的作文读起来就要好一些。The metaphor is so obvious that it's impossible to miss.这一比喻显而易见,不可能看不出来。It turns out Levy is talking in metaphorical terms.利维原来说的是一种比喻We need to be all on the same wavelength, so to speak.打了个比喻说,我们需要完全在同一个波段上。Critics may complain that the novel's central conceit is rather simplistic.批评家们可能会认为小说的核心比喻过于简单。Metaphor and metonymy are two varieties of figural speech.隐喻和转喻是两种比喻手法。Here the word is used in a figurative sense.这里该字是在比喻的意义上使用的。The safety net is an image commonly employed in everyday life.安全网是日常生活中广为使用的一个形象比喻The United States of America has often been described as the melting pot for all the peoples in the world.美国经常被比喻为全世界各个民族的大熔炉。The darkness of the metaphor destroyed its effectiveness.比喻的隐晦破坏了它的效果。The author uses disease as a metaphor for the corruption in society.这位作家用疾病来比喻社会中的腐败。His sermons were full of puns and conceits.他的布道用了大量的双关语和巧妙的比喻The word has a metaphorical as well as a literal meaning.这个单词除了字面意思还有一个比喻意思。A frequent metaphor for one aspect of chaos theory is called the Butterfly Effect - butterflies flapping their wings in the Amazon affect the weather in Chicago.关于混沌理论的一个方面,有个频繁引用的比喻叫做蝴蝶效应——蝴蝶在亚马孙扇动翅膀会影响芝加哥的天气。Despite the mixed metaphor, there is some truth in this judgement.尽管有混用的比喻,这个判断还是有些道理的。She suggested an analogy between the human heart and a pump.她打了个比喻,把人的心脏比作一个泵。His writings are full of conceits.他的作品充满了别出心裁的比喻When I said we spent the night together, it was just a figure of speech. I didn't sleep with her.我说我们一起过了一夜,这只是个比喻的说法,我并没有和她睡觉。He uses the metaphor of fire to represent hatred.他用火来比喻仇恨。




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