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词汇 每个月
例句 Paying a little each month can help you manage your money.每个月拿出一点可以帮助你合理安排你的钱。Try and put away a little each month.每个月试着存点钱。Unemployment figures are rising month by month.失业数字每个月都在增加。He used to hive away a small sum every month.过去他每个月都要存起一小笔钱。I'm saving a little money each month. Eventually it'll add up.每个月都存点钱。最终这笔钱会积少成多的。Doctors recommend a breast self-examination once a month.医生建议每个月做一次乳房自查。She has a colonic once a month.每个月进行一次结肠灌洗。We've all been setting aside a little money each month for a trip to Disneyland.我们大家每个月都存一些钱,准备去迪斯尼乐园。The group produces a monthly summary of their research.该小组每个月出一份研究总结。I receive a bank statement every month.每个月我都会收到银行结算单。Each month we feature easy low-fat recipes.我们每个月都会推出一些特色的简易低脂食谱。Monthly interest costs vary.每个月的利息费用都不一样。The brothers chip in a certain amount of money each month to hire a home health aide.兄弟几个每个月凑一笔钱,请了一个家庭护理。Each month thousands more swell the ranks of the unemployed.每个月都有数千人加入失业大军。We're adding new features and functionality every month.我们每个月都增加新的特性和功能。Each month she pays into an account that can be used for medical expenses.每个月存钱到用于支付医疗费用的账户。Every month we'll deliver the very best articles, together with the latest fashion and beauty news.每个月我们都登载最好的文章,还有最新的时尚美容资讯。He usually just pays the minimum each month on his credit cards.他一般每个月只付信用卡的最低还款额。Hardly a month goes by without another factory closing down.几乎每个月都有一家工厂倒闭。He sends hundreds of texts a month.每个月发几百条短信。Her pension arrives in the mail every month.每个月都会收到寄来的养老金。The women meet twice a month to brainstorm and set business goals for each other.她们每个月聚会两次,在一起出谋献策,为各自制定生意目标。Once a month we met for the whole day, and in rotation each one led the group.我们每个月聚在一起一整天,轮流担任领队。The group meets informally each month to discuss the progress of new students.这个小组每个月都有非正式的聚会,讨论新生的学习进度。Some young executives crack under the pressure of having to meet tough sales targets every month.一些年轻的主管崩溃了,他们压力很大,每个月都要完成很高的销售指标。As a caretaker, she earns a measly income every month.作为一个保姆,她每个月只赚极少的钱。What does the salary work out as per month?薪水折算到每个月是多少?I could hardly wait for 'Boys' World' to appear each month.每个月我都翘首期盼着《男孩世界》的出版。I put aside a day at the end of each month for doing the business accounts.每个月我都腾出一天的时间来做业务账目。The credibility of the campaign has deterioriated month by month/by the month.随着每个月的过去,这项活动的声誉一直在下跌。I'd receive the manuscript of a novel each month and have two weeks to turn it around and get it turned in.每个月收到一部小说手稿,用两周时间完成,然后再把它交上去。He has to go to the classes at certain times of the month.他必须在每个月的特定时间去上课。Add up the bills for each month. Take this away from your income.每个月的账单数额加起来。把这部分从你的收入中扣除。Each month she puts some money aside for her retirement.每个月她都存些钱以备退休后用。My grandmother had a blue rinse every month.我的祖母曾经每个月都染一次头发,染成蓝色。I try to put a little by each month for bills.我尽量每个月都存一点钱来付账。They managed to put some money to the side every month.他们每个月都设法存些钱。They were in the habit of giving two or three dinner parties a month.他们习惯每个月举办两三次宴会。I can see from my monthly bank statements whether I'm in credit or not.我可以从每个月的银行账单上看到我的账户里是否有钱。The team holds a meeting on the first Monday of every month.每个月的第一个星期一小组都要开会。




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