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例句 I'm not convinced his stamina will last out in such a fierce contest.我无法相信他的耐力能在这么激烈的比赛中撑到最后Don't volunteer for the job if you can't go the distance.如果不能坚持到最后就不要自告奋勇承担这个工作。There was everything from simple piano to a full orchestral finish. The full monty.从单音的钢琴演奏到最后的管弦乐队齐奏,什么都有了。真是一应俱全。They fought bravely right to the finish.他们英勇战斗到最后Don't leave it all until the last minute.不要把什么都拖到最后一分钟。He often talks in circles, frequently contradicting himself and often ends up saying nothing.他说话经常兜圈子,老是自相矛盾,常常到最后什么也没说。The team had a good start but might not have the ability to last out.这支队开局不错,但可能无法把好势头保持到最后His thoughts terminated, in regret.他想到最后后悔不已。I know it's boring, but we're just going to have to sit it out.我知道这个很无聊,但我们还是要坐到最后Her car suffered from gearbox trouble, but she was still in at the finish.她的汽车变速箱出了问题,但她仍然坚持到最后At the conclusion of the meeting, little progress had been made.会议开到最后没有取得什么进展。We took them to the wire in last year's championship. 去年的锦标赛我们和对手一直拼到最后The archive covers the author's entire literary and professional life, from her earliest juvenilia to her final lectures and articles.档案材料覆盖了作者的整个创作生涯,从她早期的少年时代作品到最后的讲座和文章等。By the end of the walk, she was breathless with exertion.到最后,她累得上气不接下气。It's one of those films where you don't know until the last moment who are the goodies and who are the baddies.这部电影属于那种你得看到最后才知道谁是好人谁是坏蛋的片子。The challenger stuck with the champion until the very last round.挑战者与冠军僵持到最后一回合。He found it hard to resist her blandishments and almost always ended up doing as she wished.他觉得难以抵挡她的甜言蜜语,到最后几乎总是遂了她的心愿。You have left everything to the last minute. That's just like you.你把所有的事都拖到最后一分钟才去做,你就是这个样子。I came to realize in the end why it must be done.到最后终于认识到这事为何非做不可。I'm happy that everything worked out well in the end.我很高兴到最后一切都很顺利。By the end I damn near had myself convinced that I was wrong.到最后我差不多相信我是错了。We couldn't decide which movie to go to, so in the end we just flipped a coin.我们决定不了去看哪部电影,所以到最后我们就抛硬币来决定。He had to show the white flag at the end of the debate.辩论到最后他只好认输。She started the race but wasn't able to finish.她一开始参加了比赛却没有坚持到最后Teaching can be very stressful, and many teachers eventually suffer/experience burnout.教书会给人很大压力,许多老师到最后都心力交瘁。I was thinking about nabbing that last piece of pizza.我当时在想怎么抢到最后一块比萨饼。He got to the end of the joke and couldn't remember the punch line.笑话讲到最后,他竟想不起那句收尾的妙语了。We fast-forwarded the tape to get to the last song.我们把磁带快进到最后一首歌。Well, one thing led to another and we ended up at the police station.嗯,事情一件接一件,弄到最后咱们进了警察局。Teaching can be very stressful, and many teachers eventually burn out. = Teaching can be very stressful, and many teachers eventually burn themselves out.教书会给人很大压力,许多老师到最后都心力交瘁。She worked up to the last minute.她一直工作到最后一分钟。That tapestry found its way to the auction room.那块挂毯弄到最后被送进了拍卖行。 I don't want to end up like my parents.我可不想弄到最后和我父母一样。In the last ten minutes of the game, one of the television cameras failed.比赛进行到最后十分钟时,有一架电视摄像机坏了。By the end, bodies were strewn all round the headquarters building.到最后,总部大楼四周遍布着死尸。In the end, the choice was quite easy.到最后,选择十分容易。Despite his injury, Johnson carried on playing on to the bitter end.约翰逊尽管受了伤,但还是坚持比到最后Tonight's vote may be a cliffhanger.今晚的投票可能会到最后方见分晓。In the end he had to be thrown out of the house by force.到最后,人们不得不强行把他从房子里赶了出去。Eventually she would talk herself out.到最后,她往往讲得筋疲力尽。




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