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例句 Every stage of production from obtaining raw materials to recycling end products is monitored for its environmental effects.生产的每一个步骤,从原材料的购进到最终产品的回收利用,都要进行环境影响监控。The author extracts the maximum from every carefully-crafted scene in this witty tale.作者从这个妙趣横生的故事的每一个精心构思的情节中都摘录了尽可能多的内容。The police keep detailed information about everyone who has committed a crime.警方对每一个犯过罪的人都保存了详细的资料。This is a story that will catch the imagination of every child.这个故事会激发每一个孩子的想象力。Churchill's clarity of vision impressed all who knew him.丘吉尔明晰的洞察力给每一个认识他的人都留下了深刻的印象。He inspired terror in everyone he met.他让每一个遇到他的人都感到害怕。Every computer user should have a good mouse pad.每一个计算机使用者都应该有一个好的鼠标垫。Each tick of the clock was bringing the fatal hour nearer.随著时钟的每一个滴答声,关键的时刻越来越近了。He takes every penny and puts it in the sock.每一个小钱都要,而且把一个一个子儿都放进储蓄罐里。Everyone involved is enjoying himself to the max.每一个参与者都在尽情享受。Every child has their own room.每一个孩子都有自己的房间。She revisited all the places where she had spent her youth.她重游了年轻时常到的每一个地方。He was slow to answer, deliberating over each question.他仔细斟酌每一个问题,不急于回答。This modest group size allows our teachers to respond to the needs of each student.这样的小组规模适中,可以使老师照顾到每一个学生的需求。Each employee has a one-on-one performance review with his or her boss.每一个雇员都会与其上司做一对一的业绩回顾。The family sent a heartfelt message of thanks to everyone who helped.这家人给每一个帮助过他们的人都发了一封真挚的感谢信。We need to make use of any opportunities that come our way.我们需要利用每一个出现在眼前的机会。He greased the palm of everyone concerned.他向每一个有关的人行贿。As you listen, you notice how every single word is imbued with a breathless sense of wonder.你仔细听,就会注意到每一个词都是那么的神奇,令人惊叹。Every living creature is mortal.每一个生物最终都会死亡。This weekend course will be of value to everyone interested in the Pilgrim Route.这一周末课程对每一个对朝圣路线感兴趣的人来说都会很有用。Each school has its own set of theories.每一个学派都有自己的一套理论。She elevated every rare small success to the sublime.她把每一个极不起眼的小小成功都夸大成非凡的成就。Don't exaggerate every little difficulty.不要夸大每一个微小的困难。Each term in the book is indexed.这本书中的每一个术语都被列入索引。Every part on the new models is interchangeable with those on the original.新款上的每一个零部件与原先的都可互换。Jung believed that every woman has an animus within her psyche, this being a set of unconscious masculine attributes and potentials.荣格认为,每一个女性的心灵里都有男性意向,亦即一套无意识的男性特质和潜能。Each partner receives his slice of profits.每一个合伙人得到他的一份利润。He has been to every other province than Gansu.除了甘肃之外,他到过每一个省。I'll briefly address each argument.我将对每一个论点进行简单地评论。Her fabulous recipes will delight anyone who loves chocolate.她那些绝妙的制作方法将使每一个爱吃巧克力的人感到欣喜。Every joke the comedian made was greeted by a salvo of laughter from the audience.喜剧演员的每一个笑话都能赢得观众的哄然大笑。In each methane molecule there are four CH bonds.每一个甲烷分子中有四个碳氢键。Every one of his offspring had red hair like his own.他的每一个孩子都长着像他一样的红头发。You must pin down every quotation to its author.你一定要确定每一个引文的作者是谁。I scrimped and saved every penny I could find.我把自己的每一个便士都掰成两半花。Every football-crazy schoolboy in Europe dreams of one day being involved in the championships.在欧洲,每一个酷爱足球的男学生都梦想有朝一日能够参加锦标赛。Freedom of speech is every American's birthright.言论自由是每一个美国人与生俱来的权利。We have been presented with a number of plans and will give careful consideration to all of them.我们听取了好几个计划,每一个我们都会认真考虑。Each religious sect in the town had its own church.该城每一个宗教教派都有自己的教堂。




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