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词汇 母语
例句 She speaks English, though her native tongue is German.她说英语,不过她的母语是德语。The book is aimed at learners of English rather than native speakers.这本书的对象是英语学习者,而不是母语是英语的人。Occasionally he lapsed into his native German.他不时用他的母语德语说话。English is my native tongue.英语是我的母语Our programme ensures daily opportunities to practice your study language with native speakers.我们的学习课程保证你们每天有机会和讲母语的人一起进行语言练习。Although she had lived in America for many years, she still spoke the language of her motherland.尽管她已在美国生活多年,但她还是说母语He speaks English fluently but his mother tongue is Chinese.他英语说得很流利,但他的母语是汉语。In teaching Russian to Americans, English is the source language.在向美国人教授俄语时,英语是母语It has an added value for native speakers of English.这对于以英语为母语的人具有额外的价值。All humans have a built-in ability to learn their native language.所有人都天生具有学习母语的能力。The college has English classes for non-native speakers. 这所学院给非母语英语学习者开设了英语课。English is their maternal language.英语是他们的母语She speaks English, but it's not her native language/tongue.她说英语,但英语不是她的母语She spoke not only her native language, Swedish, but also English and French.她不仅讲母语瑞典语,还讲英语和法语。The best way of improving your colloquial English is by listening to native speakers.提高英语口语水平的最佳途径是听以英语为母语的人说话。How do we learn our mother tongue?我们是怎样学会母语的呢?My mother tongue is Spanish.我的母语是西班牙语。All our English teachers are native speakers.我们所有的英语老师都是以英语为母语的。All our teachers are native speakers of English.我们所有的老师都是以英语为母语的人。We run classes for students whose mother tongue is not English.我们为母语不是英语的学生开办学习班。She's a native speaker of Swahili.她的母语是斯瓦希里语。That kind of mistake is rarely made by native speakers.母语者很少犯那类错误。Her lapse into German didn't seem peculiar. After all, it was her native tongue.她冒出几句德语并不足为奇。毕竟那是她的母语French is not my native tongue.法语不是我的母语Our programme ensures daily opportunities to practise your study language with native speakers.我们的课程设计保证你每天有机会与说母语的人练习所学语言。French is her first/native language.法语是她的母语English is not the native language for almost half of our overseas visitors.我们有差不多一半海外游客的母语不是英语。There has been an assumption in the past that anyone who is a native speaker of English is equipped to teach English.过去有种观点,就是以英语为母语的人都能够教英语。Languages are taught by the direct method, that is to say, without using the student's own language.语言教学使用的是直接教学法,也就是说,不用学生的母语The best translators usually translate from a foreign language into their native language.最优秀的翻译家通常是把外国语翻译成自己的母语English is not her native tongue.英语不是她的母语When learning a language, there is no substitute for living among native speakers.学习一种语言,没有比生活在母语使用者当中更好的方法了。They are native speakers of English.他们的母语是英文。She felt more comfortable talking in her native tongue.她说母语感觉更放松。The French feel passionately about their native tongue.法国人对自己的母语无比热爱。The French feel passionately about their native tongue.法国人对他们的母语非常热爱。My first language is Dutch.我的母语是荷兰语。We were forbidden, under pain of imprisonment, to use our native language.我们被禁止使用母语,违者将被关进监狱。It is difficult for a non-Italian to grasp all the nuances of meaning.一个不是以意大利语为母语的人很难把握所有这些意义上的细微差别。Native speakers have a general sense of the appropriacy and inappropriacy of language.母语的人对措词恰当与否大致有感觉。




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