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词汇 毁掉
例句 She seemed intent on destroying everything they had built up together.她似乎有意要毁掉他们共同建立的一切。I just don't think it's right to bring a good man down by rumour and insinuation.我只是认为通过散播谣言与影射中伤的方式毁掉一个好人是不道德的。His cocaine habit was ruining his life.他的可卡因瘾正在毁掉他的一生。The First World War slaughtered a whole generation.第一次世界大战毁掉了整整一代人。I'm not going to let him mess up my life.我不会让他毁掉我的生活。The scandal spoiled his chances for reelection.这丑闻毁掉了他再次当选的机会。Much of the Midwest is currently under about 2 feet of snow.一场龙卷风毁掉了美国中西部大部分地区的谷物。He seems bent on self-destruction.他好像决心要毁掉自己。His comments pretty much killed the mood for the rest of the show.他的解说基本上毁掉了演出剩余部分的气氛。Her childhood had been poisoned by an abusive step-father.她的童年被粗暴的继父毁掉了。The flood engulfed the farms and destroyed the crops.洪水吞没了农场,毁掉了庄稼。The former leader now has to watch his successor unpicking what he strived so hard to achieve.这位前任领导现在不得不眼睁睁地看着他的继任者一点点地毁掉他辛苦开创的局面。Mining would pollute the lake and denude the forest.采矿会污染湖水,毁掉森林。Another year like the last will finish us.再出现去年那样的一年就会毁掉我们。He handed in his notice at the bank and ruined his promising career.他向银行提出了辞职,毁掉了自己的大好前程。Drugs can destroy the lives of young people.毒品能毁掉年轻人的生命。I hadn't the courage to destroy the letter.我没勇气毁掉那封信。The scandal made a mess of his political career.丑闻毁掉了他的政治生涯。The sheer weight of visitors is destroying this tourist attraction.单是游客之多就会毁掉这个旅游胜地。He claims the police destroyed records that could prove the officer's guilt.他声称警方毁掉了能证明那名警察有罪的记录。This scandal could spoil the Senator's chances of becoming President.这一丑闻可能会毁掉参议员当选总统的希望。The invaders laid waste the entire countryside.入侵者毁掉了整个乡村地区。 The plans are an object lesson in how to ruin a city.在如何毁掉一座城市方面,这些规划是引以为戒的例子。Bulldozers were brought in to wreck the tents and shacks that protesters had put up.推土机奉召来毁掉抗议者搭建的帐篷和棚屋。One mistake could blow our agent's cover and ruin years of careful investigation.一个错误可能会暴露我们的特工身份,毁掉我们几年来周密的调查。A single mistake could mean the ruin of a priceless treasure forever.一个错误就可能把一件无价之宝的价值永久毁掉This tax is likely to finish small businesses like ours.这种税可能会毁掉像我们一样的小企业。A coalition could have defeated the government and wrecked the treaty.联盟本来可以击败政府并毁掉该条约的。The war loused up his marriage and played havoc with his psyche.战争毁掉了他的婚姻,对他的心理造成了极大的创伤。Deforestation is destroying large areas of tropical rain forest.滥伐森林毁掉了大面积的热带雨林。A weak conclusion spoiled an otherwise good piece of work.牵强的结尾毁掉了一篇本来不错的作品。The chemicals had poisoned his land and destroyed the very basis of his livelihood.这些化学品污染了他的农田,毁掉了他赖以生存的基础。Phelps's mistake has ruined her chances of winning the championship.费尔普斯的错误毁掉了她夺冠的机会。I've ruined every relationship with my possessiveness.占有欲太强毁掉了我的每一段感情。We cannot just sit by and watch him ruin his life.我们不能坐视他毁掉自己的人生。His confrontational speech has wrecked any chances of a peace settlement.他挑衅性的讲话毁掉了一切和平解决的机会。The local business community has been destroyed by corruption, cheating and double-dealing.当地商界的名誉已经被腐败、欺诈和不诚信的做法毁掉了。This illness has ruined my life.这个病毁掉了我的生活。I won't sit idly by while he ruins his life!他要毁掉自己的人生,我不会坐视不管的!Critics can make or break a young performer.批评家可以成就也可以毁掉一名年轻艺人。




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