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The judge ignored the prisoner's pleas for clemency. 法官没有接受犯人提出的从宽处理的请求。The judge rejected pleas for leniency and sentenced him to six months in prison.法官驳回了宽大处理的请求,判他六个月监禁。With a great effort of will he resisted her pleas.他拼命忍住才没答应她的请求。His urgent pleas of innocence made no difference to the judge's decision.他一再申辩自己无罪,却无法改变法官的判决。Our pleas got us exactly nothing.我们的恳求一无所获。The judge refused to listen to their pleas.法官拒绝听信他们的辩解。The provincial assembly were deaf to all pleas for financial help.省议会对所有的经济救助请求都充耳不闻。They ignored all her pleas and she became very embittered.他们对她的所有恳求都置之不理,她因此忿忿不平。Hospital visiting hours were extended in response to pleas from patients.应病人的请求,医院延长了探视时间。Mr Dunn's pleas of poverty are only partly justified.邓恩先生贫穷的托词只是部分成立。His mother's pleas to be careful were just laughed at.他对母亲要他小心的嘱咐一笑置之。Ignoring the man's pleas, the soldier shot him in the head.那个士兵不顾那人苦苦哀求,朝他头上开了枪。He was unmoved by their pleas.他对他们的恳求无动于衷。Despite pleas from his mother, the gunman refused to give himself up.尽管他母亲再三恳求,这名持枪歹徒还是拒绝投案自首。He remained dead to my most urgent pleas.他对我无比迫切的请求始终无动于衷。They cried for mercy but their pleas were met with abuse and laughter.他们哭喊着请求宽恕,可是他们的恳求却遭到了谩骂和嘲笑。Their pleas unsteeled his heart.他们的恳求使他心软。Her pleas for mercy fell on deaf ears.她乞求宽恕,但未被理睬。Eventually, after my impassioned pleas, backed up by my mother, Dad agreed to let me go to the concert.经过我的苦苦哀求,加上母亲的支持,爸爸终于同意让我去听音乐会了。No one heard his pleas for help.没有人听到他的求救声。His impassioned pleas went unheard.他充满激情的请求无人理会。 |