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词汇 pleaded
例句 The Minister pleaded ill health as the reason for her resignation.部长以身体状况不佳为由辞职了。I pleaded to be allowed to go.我请求准许离开。She remorsefully pleaded guilty.她懊悔地承认有罪。They pleaded guilty to lesser charges of criminal damage.他们承认了刑事损害这一较轻的罪名。He pleaded guilty to being disorderly on licensed premises.他承认在有售酒许可的经营场所寻衅滋事。He pleaded guilty to charges of fraud and tax evasion.他对欺诈和逃税的指控表示认罪。She pleaded for forgiveness and got her job back.她恳求原谅,后来恢复了工作。His parents pleaded that he should be given one more chance.他双亲请求再给他一次机会。He pleaded guilty to illegal street trading.他承认自己非法在街头贩卖东西。She pleaded guilty to carrying an offensive weapon.她对自己携带攻击性武器表示服罪。She pleaded with me to give up the plan.她求我放弃这个计划。She pleaded guilty to conspiring to harbour and transport illegal immigrants in a manner that led to their deaths.对于密谋窝藏并运送非法移民、致人死亡的罪行她供认不讳。Dixon pleaded guilty to all the charges and will be sentenced at a later date.对于所有的指控狄克逊都认罪了,他将于稍后的某个日期被判刑。She successfully pleaded their cause with the mayor.她请求市长支持他们的事业,结果如愿以偿。He pleaded ignorance of any wrongdoing.他辩称自己对所有的坏事概不知情。The President pleaded that strong rule from the centre was a regrettable, but temporary necessity.总统辩解说,实行高度的中央集权虽不尽如人意,但暂时来说却是必要的。The defence pleaded for leniency.辩护方请求轻判。I pleaded fatigue, and excused myself.我推说疲乏就告退了。You have pleaded guilty. Is there anything you wish to say in mitigation?你已经服罪,还有什么要说以减轻你的罪责?His children pleaded with him not to forsake them.他的孩子们恳求他不要遗弃他们。The defendant pleaded not guilty.被告不认罪。He pleaded guilty and was placed on probation.他认了罪,被处以缓刑。He pleaded ignorance when they found the package in his suitcase.他们在他的手提箱里发现该包裹时,他申辩说自己对此一无所知。He pleaded guilty to wilful dereliction of duty.他承认犯有渎职罪。He pleaded guilty to attempted murder.他服罪,承认企图杀人。He pleaded the cause of the local fishermen.他为了当地渔民的利益呼吁奔走。At the murder trial, he pleaded insanity.在谋杀案审理中,他辩称自己精神失常。He pleaded guilty to culpable homicide.他承认犯了杀人罪。Hancock pleaded not guilty to a federal indictment accusing him of four bombings.对于联邦诉状指控他四度制造炸弹袭击事件,汉考克不承认有罪。He pleaded guilty to a charge of first-degree robbery.他对一级抢劫罪的指控表示服罪。He pleaded that he didn't have enough money to pay his bill.他推托说他没有足够的钱付账单。The Government pleaded ignorance.政府借口不知情。She pleaded guilty to a lesser charge.她承认了一项罪责较轻的指控。The defence pleaded insanity, but the defendant was found guilty and sentenced.被告方以精神错乱为由进行了申辩,但被告仍被判有罪并获刑。Barkin pleaded not guilty to the rape charges in municipal court Thursday.星期四在市政法庭上,巴尔金表示对他的强奸起诉不认罪。Faced with a pile of undeniable evidences, the culprit finally pleaded guilty.面对一大堆无法否认的证据,罪犯终于认罪。She pleaded and wheedled, but I wouldn't be swayed.她又是哀求又是哄骗,但我不为所动。He pleaded tearfully for help.他哭着请求帮助。He pleaded for mercy.他恳求宽恕。Mr Clarke had pleaded guilty to causing death by careless driving.克拉克先生疏忽驾驶,致人死亡,已经认罪。




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