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词汇 武力
例句 Violent skirmishes with the enemy continue despite talks of peace.尽管有和谈,但与敌军之间的武力冲突仍在继续。The government decided against using force to break-up the demonstrations.政府决定不采用武力驱散示威游行。The police vigorously denied that excessive force had been used.警方坚决否认曾经滥用武力He'd blindly countered force with more force.他盲目地用更大的武力来对付武力The author argues that deterrence is no longer the best way to prevent war.作者认为武力威慑不再是防止战争的最好方式。If he thinks he can remain in power by force he is courting disaster.如果他认为可以通过武力继续掌权,那他就是在自寻死路。He doubted their claim to have forsaken military solutions to the civil war.他对他们声称已经放弃通过武力解决内战感到怀疑。Brute force was used to put down the revolt.使用残忍的武力平息反叛。There have been numerous instances of excessive force on the part of security police.治安警察滥用武力的实例不胜枚举。The UN should authorize the use of power in defence of civilized order.联合国应该批准为维护文明秩序而采取的武力行动。Do you believe that the pen is mightier than the sword?你相信笔杆的威力大于武力吗? The question is: will the junta consolidate its power by force?.问题是:军政府会通过武力巩固其政权吗?Until we all give up violence, there cannot possibly be lasting peace in the world.我们如果不放弃武力,世界就不可能有永久的和平。Demonstrators have charged that the police used excessive force against them.示威者指责说警方对他们使用了过度的武力The police should have been able to deal with the situation without applying force.警方本应能够不采用武力就控制住局面。There have been complaints about the use of excessive force by the police.有人投诉警察滥用武力You cannot keep a nation down by force of arms indefinitely.不能永远靠武力压服一个国家。She changed her foreign policy from one of force to one of coexistence and cooperation.她改变了外交政策,从依靠武力变为和平共处、协同合作。Although he has sought to find a peaceful solution, he is facing pressure to use greater military force.尽管他试图寻求和平解决,但现在却面临使用更多武力的压力。He feels that this conflict can only be resolved by force of arms. 他觉得这个冲突只能通过武力来解决。These groups must renounce violence if there is to be progress towards peace.若要让和平取得进展,这些组织必须放弃武力We must not shrink from the legitimate use of force if we are to remain credible.我们要想保持诚信可靠,就绝不能避忌武力的合法使用。Officers are allowed to use deadly force if necessary.必要时军官可以使用致命武力The treaty was imposed by force, and therein lay the cause of its ineffectiveness.该条约是通过武力强行签订的,它之所以执行不力,原因就在于此。Armed intervention is the rule rather than the exception.武力干涉屡见不鲜。He may now be ready to sanction the use of force.他现在可能打算批准使用武力We prefer to use diplomacy rather than force to get people to move.我们更愿使用外交手段而不是武力去让人们行动起来。The police used force to overpower the demonstrators.警方动用了武力来制服示威者。The country was an artificial construct held together by force and intimidation for more than 70 years.这个国家是靠武力和恐吓维系达七十余年的人治政权。The town has been the target of militant attacks.该镇成了武力攻击的目标。We achieve much more by persuasion than by brute force.我们通过劝服比用强硬的武力做到的要多得多。He believes in using limited force to achieve disarmament.他相信可以使用有限的武力实现裁军。Both countries have called for a moderate approach to the use of force.两国都呼吁不要滥用武力




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