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词汇 歌星
例句 Keele, pop star turned business tycoon, has launched a new range of cosmetics.基尔,从流行音乐歌星摇身成为商业巨子,已经推出了一个新系列的化妆品。They talked about their favourite pop stars.他们谈到了最喜欢的歌星Every wall in her bedroom was covered with pin-ups of her favourite pop star.她卧室里的墙上挂满了她最喜欢的流行歌星的图片。Crowds flocked after the popular singer as he left the theatre.歌星离开剧场时,人群簇拥在他身后。The play is based on the early days of cabaret singer Rosie Kincaid.这出戏是根据卡巴莱歌星罗茜·金凯德的早年生涯改编的。His bankability as a pop star decreased as he got older.随着年龄的增长,作为流行歌星的他身价没有以前那么高了。Crowds of young girls jostled for attention outside the pop star's hotel room.一大群年轻女孩在歌星的酒店房间外争前抢后,试图引起注意。We used to prance around our bedroom pretending to be pop stars.我们以前常常假扮流行歌星在卧室里神气地走来走去。Present tonight at the long-awaited opening of this film are a whole galaxy of stars from the acting and musical professions.人们期待已久的电影首映式今晚举行,一大批影星歌星前来捧场。The record was the brainchild of rock star Bob Geldof.这张唱片是摇滚歌星鲍勃·格尔多夫的心血之作。The young girls swooned when they saw their favorite pop singer.年轻的姑娘们看到她们最喜欢的流行歌星时一个个都心醉神迷。He enjoyed the applause, preening himself like a pop star.他享受着掌声,像流行歌星一样得意洋洋。Her parents were creative and left-field and wanted Polly to become a singer or a truck driver.波莉的父母想法新奇怪异,竟希望她做歌星或是货车司机。He's a rock star.他是一位摇滚歌星An excited crowd waited for the singer to arrive.一群人怀着激动的心情等待着歌星的到来。The star arrived in London with her usual entourage of dancers and backing singers.这位歌星到达了伦敦,随行的还有她惯用的伴舞和伴唱人员。Popstars have to live their life in a goldfish bowl.流行歌星不得不过着就像在金鱼缸里一样毫无隐私的生活。His walls are plastered with posters of rock stars.他的墙上贴满了摇滚歌星的海报。The rock star gets mash notes by the ton.那摇滚歌星收到成吨成吨的恭维信。She is worried about what motherhood will do to her image as a rock star.她担心做母亲后会影响她作为摇滚歌星的形象。We crept into our little sister's bedroom and spitefully defaced her pop posters.我们偷偷溜进妹妹的卧室,不怀好意地把她的歌星宣传画涂脏。The usual hoopla surrounded the arrival of the pop star.流行歌星的到来伴随着惯常的喧闹声。Amongst other pop ephemera, the auction will be selling off rock stars' stage clothes.拍卖会拍卖的流行乐坛的短时效物品中将包括摇滚歌星们的演出服装。The movie is the rags-to-riches story of a country girl who becomes a famous singer.这部影片讲述的是一个从赤贫到巨富的故事:一名乡村女孩成了著名歌星She hangs around with rock stars, drug addicts, and assorted other oddballs.她混迹于摇滚歌星、瘾君子和其他各种怪胎当中。Most supporting bands tend to be youngsters, and rarely upstage the star.大多数助兴乐队由年轻乐手组成,很少会抢歌星的风头。Pop stars and TV personalities were brought in to publicize the campaign and drum up support.流行歌星和电视名人都被请来为这场活动做宣传工作,争取支持。Log on to live chat this evening and put your questions to your favourite pop stars.登入今晚的网上聊天并向你喜欢的流行乐歌星提问。He spent several hours swotting up on how to be a pop star.他花了好几个小时努力学习怎样才能成为一名流行歌星Like so many other pop stars, Jim Morrison died young.和许多其他流行歌星一样,吉姆·莫里森也是英年早逝。The star lists his likes as "my new Porsche, my girlfriend, and staying up all night."这个流行歌星说他的最爱是“我的保时捷新车、女友和彻夜狂欢”。Lang was the first major pop star to come out as a lesbian.兰是第一位公开承认自己是同性恋的流行乐歌星Cliff Richard has recorded more number one hit songs than any other British pop star.在英国流行乐歌星中,克利夫.理查德录制的歌曲荣登排行榜榜首的数量最多。I'm going to be a famous pop star when I'm older.我长大了想做一个有名的流行歌星He has swapped his hectic rock star's lifestyle for that of a country gentleman.他一改摇滚歌星紧张忙碌的生活方式,开始过起了乡村绅士的生活。Have you noticed how the record companies cash in on the death of famous pop stars by re-releasing all their old records?你注意到唱片公司怎样在著名歌星去世之际靠重新发行他们全部的旧唱片来捞钱吗?She has made a name for herself as a singer.她已成为一位歌星He was able to play out his fantasy of rock stardom.他实现了他的摇滚歌星梦。It's the usual squalid rock star tale of drugs, sex, and overdoses.那是常见的摇滚歌星堕落的故事——吸毒、纵欲、过量服用麻醉品。Every inch of her bedroom wall is covered with photos of pop stars.她卧室墙上贴满了流行歌星的照片。




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