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词汇 交通
例句 Traffic is heavy where the two roads converge.两条路的交汇处交通繁忙。She was delayed in traffic and missed her appointment.她在路上因交通耽搁了,错过了预约。He gave a pallid account of the future of transport.他平淡乏味地介绍了未来的交通情况。There was a big snarl-up on the M1.一号高速公路上交通严重堵塞。Let's leave early to avoid rush hour traffic.咱们早点出发,免得碰上交通高峰期。As far as traffic is concerned there are no delays at the moment.交通方面目前没有造成延误。Employees get a mileage allowance for business travel.雇员出差旅行可得到交通补贴。The traffic menace grew, and the town began to suffer.交通危险增加,镇子开始受到不利的影响。The accident snarled traffic.事故使交通陷入混乱。Winter snow brought traffic to a stop.冬雪使得交通停滞。As we got near to London the traffic grew denser.我们越是接近伦敦,交通越是变得拥挤。The perpetual noise of the traffic was stressful.交通产生的持续性噪音让人精神紧张。Annie arrived late and immediately launched into a lengthy description of the terrible traffic on the roads.安妮迟到了,一进来就啰啰唆唆地讲路上交通如何如何糟糕。I don't like driving through New York because there's too much congestion.我不喜欢在纽约开车,因为交通太拥挤了。During the Christmas holidays there's a tremendous amount of traffic between the Northeast and Florida.在圣诞假日期间,东北地区和佛罗里达州之间的交通十分繁忙。The government's huge war chest could be used to improve transport.政府的这笔巨额专用款项可用于改善交通Efforts to reduce traffic and improve road safety will miss their mark if they don't pay attention to the needs of women.如果不关注妇女的需求,那么减少交通压力和提高道路安全的努力就会付之东流。The traffic will thin out after the rush hour.交通高峰期过后车流量将减少。The event literally stopped the traffic.这一事件几乎让交通陷于停顿。The persistence of the heavy rain hampered the flow of traffic.持续的大雨阻碍了交通运行。The accident has been cleaned up and traffic is flowing smoothly once again.事故现场已被清理干净,交通又畅通了。The new tunnel should alleviate traffic on the bridge.这个新隧道将会缓解桥上的交通压力。Traffic congealed in the city centre.市中心的交通瘫痪了。Long delays are predicted on the motorway because of the accident.由于这起事故,预计在高速公路上会出现长时间的交通延误。Traffic fumes raised pollution to record levels yesterday.昨天交通废气使污染程度达到创纪录的水平。An accident caused gridlock at rush hour yesterday.一场事故造成了昨天高峰时段的交通大拥堵。You will be charged with obstruction of a public footpath.你会被指控阻塞了人行道的交通The traffic starts piling up around this time.差不多这个时候交通就开始拥堵了。Transport and communications are key areas of the economy.交通与通讯是经济中的关键领域。The rush hour traffic is murder.尖端时间的交通真要命。The capital remained jammed with diverted traffic.尽管实行了交通分流,首都依旧很堵。As a hub of finance and communications, Paris is now almost equal to London.作为一个金融和交通中心,巴黎现在几乎可媲美伦敦。Ice floes hamper barge traffic on the Elbe River.大片浮冰妨碍了易北河上的驳船交通They turned back because of traffic diversions.因为交通要临时绕行,他们掉头了。Traffic was snarled up because of the parade.交通因游行而堵塞。The trees muffle the sound of the traffic.树木减弱了交通的噪声。The company will arrange transport from the airport.公司将负责从机场开始的交通安排。Traffic was tied up for hours/miles.交通堵了好几小时/英里。The southbound lanes are closed to traffic.南行车道实行交通封闭。Police cordoned off the road and diverted commuter traffic.警察封锁了道路并分流交通




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