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词汇 歌声
例句 We heard a voice sing out in a clear, sharp tone.我们听到了一阵清脆嘹亮的歌声Songs and laughter lubricate the biological clock.歌声笑语可使人体生物钟顺畅运转。Her voice kept audiences at her feet for years.她的歌声多年来使听众拜倒在她的脚下。She has an idiosyncratic singing voice.她的歌声很独特。She has a sweet singing voice.她的歌声非常甜美。The song of the spindle was silent.纺锤的歌声沉默了。A singer must learn to project his voice so as to be heard in a large hall.歌手必须学会运气发声,使歌声传遍大厅。Switzerland isn't all cow-bells and yodelling, you know.你知道,瑞士不仅仅只有牛铃声和约德尔调歌声Her singing voice is truly exquisite.她的歌声确实优美。The trio lend their haunting voices to several of the songs.三重唱小组以令人难忘的歌声吟唱了这其中的几首歌。She just totally blew me away with her singing.她用歌声深深打动了我的心。His singing really does have the depth and the emotional range of the blues.他的歌声确实颇有布鲁斯音乐的内蕴和情感深度。She has a lovely singing voice.她的歌声优美。Songs of victory are ringing far and near.胜利的歌声响彻四方。I could hear the happy sound of the street musicians.我听见街头音乐家快乐的歌声She has a lovely, rich singing voice.她的歌声动听而圆润。The show ended with a song.演出在歌声中结束。The effect of that singing, as the old-time reporters used to say, was electrical.正如从前的记者常说的那样,歌声直击人心。His singing is reminiscent of the crooners of the '40s and '50s.他的歌声让人联想起四五十年代那些低吟浅唱的歌手们。We could hear the lusty singing of the church choir.我们能听到教堂唱诗班那高亢的歌声The clopping of the hooves was a drumbeat to their singing.马蹄的嗒嗒声为他们的歌声打拍子。Her voice is child-like, with a West Country lilt.她的歌声天真无邪,带着英格兰西部地区特有的抑扬顿挫。She sang mellifluously.她的歌声悦耳动听。In piano singing, her voice remains pure.在轻声演唱的时候,她的歌声仍保持圆润清亮。His singing is reminiscent of Bob Marley.他的歌声使人想起鲍勃·马利。Switzerland isn't all cow bells and yodelling, you know.你知道,瑞士不仅仅只有牛铃声和约德尔调歌声The songs start soft and melancholy.歌声轻柔而忧伤地响起。Her singing has given pleasure to so many people over the years.多年来,她的歌声给许多人带来了快乐。She had a wonderful deep, rich singing voice.她的歌声甜美,深沉而圆润。He has a lovely singing voice.歌声优美。He heard voices raised in song.他听见歌声中有人提高了嗓门。I can't sing and haven't been tempted to inflict myself on the world.我不会唱歌,也不打算强迫世人接受我的歌声She has a very sweet singing voice.她的歌声十分甜美。The children knew a lot of the songs and pranced around to them.孩子们会唱其中的很多歌,而且还随着歌声蹦蹦跳跳。Each whale has its own characteristic song.每只鲸都有自己独特的歌声I can't get to sleep with all that singing.那些歌声搅得我无法入睡。I was hypnotized by her lovely singing.她动人的歌声让我著迷。Her voice reverberated throughout the stadium.她的歌声在体育场内回荡。While Sade's voice isn't technically brilliant it has a quality which is unmistakable.虽然萨德的歌声从技巧方面说谈不上多出色,但很独特。His songs are often both hypnotic and reassuringly pleasant.他的歌声经常让人在沉醉的同时又感到放松愉悦。




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