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词汇 charted
例句 On this map we have charted the course of the Helford River.在这张地图上我们绘制出了赫尔福德河的流向。These seas have been well charted.这些海域的海图已经相当精准。Bulletin boards charted each executive's progress.公告板用图表显示了每位主管的工作进展。They charted the course of the ship.他们在地图上标出了船的航线。Portuguese explorers had charted the west coast of Africa as far as Sierra Leone.葡萄牙探险家已经绘制出了远至塞拉里昂的非洲西海岸地图。They charted the reliability of every part of the machinery, including consumable components such as oil filters and fan belts.他们详细标出了这些机械每个部件的可靠性,包括滤油器和风扇皮带等消耗性部件。The captain charted this area out and it's quite safe to sail in it.船长在海图上标出了这个区域,在这一区域里航行是相当安全的。NATO had charted a new course for stability and cooperation in Europe.北约制定了维持欧洲稳定与合作的新方针。Your future is already neatly planned and charted.你的未来已经规划妥当。On the map we charted the course of the river.我们在地图上标出了该河的流向。They charted the bay.他们绘制了海湾图。We charted the elevations in her temperature.我们用图表记录了她的体温上升的情况。The newspapers charted every moment of his spectacular fall from grace.报纸详细报道了他惊人的沉沦过程。We've charted a possible way forward.我们制定了下一步可能的计划。The future policy of agricultural development will be charted at the conference.在这次会议上将制定今后农业发展的政策。The staff officers carefully charted the enemy's concentrations on the maps.参谋人员在地图上仔细标明敌军的集结地点。This scholar charted the origins, legends and history of the movement.这位学者详细描述了运动的起源、传说和历史。




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