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词汇 charmed
例句 The children clearly charmed the audience with their enthusiastic singing.显然,孩子们热情的歌唱吸引了观众。He charmed her wounded soul.他用魔力抚慰了她受伤的心灵。I am charmed that you have decided to come.你已决定来,我很高兴。She was charmed by Henry's thoughtfulness.她被亨利的周到体贴所吸引。He charmed the beast with his lyre.他用里拉琴对野兽施了魔法。By his own admission he had led a charmed life. He had survived a train crash when he was seventeen.他也承认自己是命好,他十七岁的时候遭遇火车失事却幸免于难。The magic of her voice charmed the audience.她那歌喉的魅力令观众陶醉。I was sickened by the way Carol charmed all the men by turning coy.卡罗尔忸怩作态勾引男人的样子让我恶心。We were charmed by the coziness of the little cottage.我们被这间温馨舒适的小屋所吸引。The boys were charmed by the sailor's adventure.孩子们被那个水手的冒险经历迷住了。I was charmed by the cozy country inn.我被这个惬意的乡村客栈吸引了。He charmed them into believing him.他诱使他们相信他的话。DiFranco charmed the audience with her feisty spirit.迪芙兰蔻以其顽强的斗志迷倒了观众。We are charmed with the pretty prattle of children.孩子们动听的咿呀语声真使我们快活。The Indians, in turn, were charmed by the famous author's cultured and civilised outlook.而印第安人呢,则为那位著名作家有教养的、开化的见解而折服。We were charmed by his boyish manner.我们被他天真烂漫的男孩气质迷住了。Her sweetness of temper has charmed her aged and youthful companions.她的温和性情使她深受青、老年朋友的喜欢。Their little son's brightness charmed all the guests.他们小儿子的聪颖使客人们很开心。He has always led a charmed life. 他总是吉人天相。He bears a charmed life.他总能逢凶化吉,遇难成祥。Many women were charmed by his old-fashioned gallantry.许多女性被他老派的绅士风度迷住了。She has always lived/led a charmed life.她一生幸运,犹如神佑。We are charmed with the scenery of the West Lake.西湖景色使我们神往。An immense role was played by this very small charmed circle of critics.这个小小的批评家圈子起了巨大的作用。He has charmed most of them into membership of his fan club.他施展魅力,让他们大部分人都加入了他的支持者行列。They seemed part of a charmed circle.他们似乎属于一个排外的小团体。He was charmed by her elegance.他被她的优雅迷住了。We were charmed by the friendliness of the local people.我们被当地人的友好吸引住了。He charmed his way out of trouble.他运用自己的魅力摆脱了麻烦。Quinn charmed credulous investors out of millions of dollars.奎因花言巧语从轻信的投资者那里骗取了数百万美元。He said he would be charmed if a woman gave him flowers.他说要是有女人给他送花,他会高兴死的。She was charmed by his eloquence.她被他的口才所倾倒。We were all charmed by his disarming openness and modesty.我们都被他那使人消除敌意的坦率和谦虚所迷住。She was charmed by his friendly smile and polite words.她被他友好的微笑和礼貌的话语迷住了。The snake was charmed by the music.这条蛇像被音乐施了魔法一样。She was charmed by his blarney.她被他的花言巧语迷惑了。The rusticity of the setting charmed her.平静朴实的环境让她着迷。I was flattered by his interest in me and charmed by his courtesy.他对我有兴趣令我感到荣幸,同时也为他的彬彬有礼所倾倒。He charmed his way into the British Embassy.他施展魅力进入了英国大使馆。He charmed the committee into approving his proposal.他巧舌如簧使委员会批准了他的提案。




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