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词汇 次要的
例句 One or two subordinate questions arose during our discussions.在我们的讨论过程中出现了一两个次要的问题。In terms of the history of art it's just a footnote.在艺术史上这只是一件次要的事。It's the perfect job for him - the salary is of secondary importance.这工作对他来说十分理想—工资倒是次要的The employees on strike are concerned that the union will bargain away wage increases for other less desirable benefits.罢工的员工们担心工会在谈判中会为了其他一些次要的利益而放弃加薪的要求。In some cultures, the welfare of the individual is subordinate to the welfare of the group.在一些文化中,与集体幸福相比个人幸福是次要的Try not to be distracted by incidental details.尽量不要为一些次要的枝节问题分心。Material possessions have always been a low priority for Mike.对迈克来说,物质的追求一直都是次要的The romance was peripheral to the movie's main plot.对于电影的主要情节来讲,这段恋情是次要的These problems are minor-league. 这些问题是次要的I delegate all minor tasks to others.我把次要的工作都交给别人处理。These aims were subordinate to the main aims of the mission.和这次任务的主要目标相比,这些目标是次要的Losing weight is a low priority for him. = Losing weight is low on his list of priorities.对他而言减肥是次要的The nation comes first and everything else comes second.国家至上,其他一切都是次要的It is a society in which women's rights and concerns are still treated as peripheral.在这个社会里,妇女的权益仍被看作是次要的Health concerns were a secondary consideration to the reformers.医疗卫生问题对于改革者来说是次要的考虑因素。The romance is peripheral to the main plot of the movie.相对电影的主要情节,这段恋情是次要的He was both willing and able to subordinate all else to this aim.为了这个目标他愿意并能够把其他一切都放在次要的位置。Minor tasks should be delegated to your assistant.次要的工作应交给你的助手去做。Cost considerations are normally secondary to such issues as how effective each method will be.相对于各个方法的有效性等因素,成本因素通常是次要的There are some secondary issues/considerations which must be taken into account as well.有些次要的问题我们也必须考虑到。Money is considered to be of secondary importance.金钱被认为是次要的His feelings in the matter are of secondary importance.在这件事中他的感受是次要的Such differences are secondary by comparison with the overriding similarities.与占主要地位的相似点比较起来,这些差别是次要的There are two problems with this situation, one major, one minor.这一情况牵涉到两个问题,一个主要的,一个次要的




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