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例句 I can count the number of times my son's called me on one hand.我儿子给我打电话的次数少得扳手指也数得清。Try to increase the number of times you exercise per week.尽量增加你每周的锻炼次数We see less and less of them each year.我们见他们的次数一年比一年少。Janet's husband and sister noticed that small kitchen objects were disappearing with increasing regularity.珍妮特的丈夫和她的姐姐发现厨房里的小物件经常不翼而飞,而且次数愈发频繁。I've been swimming twice as often as I did last year.我现在的游泳次数比去年多了一倍。I'd given the talk so many times I had it off pat.这个讲座我讲的次数太多了,都烂熟于心了。The number of quarrels among children decreases with age.孩子年龄越大,吵架的次数就越少。Some will say that it is the mixture as before, but in larger and more frequent doses.有些人会说那是换汤不换药,仅剂量和次数有所增加而已。We became suspicious of the frequency and size of his bank withdrawals.我们对他从银行取款的次数之多、数额之大产生了怀疑。We see them less and less each year. = We see them less and less frequently/often each year.我们见他们的次数一年比一年少。Data recorders also pinpoint mechanical faults rapidly, reducing repair times.数据记录仪还能迅速查明机械故障,减少维修次数Using shortcuts reduces the number of keystrokes you have to make.利用快捷键减少了击键次数The famous singer rationed his solos pretty stingily in later years.那位名歌手在晚年非常严格地约束自己出场独唱的次数Sometimes I do the cooking and sometimes John does - so in the end it all balances out.有时候我做饭,有时候约翰做饭—所以最后大家做饭的次数是差不多的。The team that fouls too much often loses.犯规次数太多的队常输。The drug can reduce the frequency and severity of attacks.这种药能降低发病次数和严重程度。The number of attacks on foreign aid workers has escalated dramatically.对外国援助人员的袭击次数已急剧上升。Limit the number of personal phone calls you make at work.你得限制一下上班时打私人电话的次数The master disk can be duplicated as many times as required.母盘可以不限次数地进行复制。Limits will be placed on the number of exam retakes students can sit.学生参加重考的次数将受到限制。Ideally, all patients should have had the same number of follow-up visits.原则上,所有病人都应得到相同次数的随访。The doctor will have a record of her attendances.医生会记录她的就诊次数"Why were you chosen for the team and not me?" "Maybe it's because I've been to more practices than you."“为什么球队选中了你,而不是我?”“也许是因为我参加训练的次数比你多。”The frequency of our visits decreased during the school year.上学期间我们的参观次数减少了。I don't see much of Tony nowadays.我现在见托尼的次数不多。His physical exercises grew fewer and fewer, then tapered into nothingness.他做体操的次数愈来愈少,到后来就一次也不做了。The number of attacks on the capital had gone down over the past week.上一周对首都的袭击次数已经减少了。The innkeeper scored on a slate the number of meals each person had.旅馆老板在石板上记下每人用餐的次数As the treatment began to take effect, her headaches became less frequent.治疗开始见效,她头痛的次数渐渐减少了。You'll also have unlimited access to the swimming pool.进泳池的次数是没有限制的。It's not the first time they've beaten us, but who's keeping score?这不是他们头一次打败我们了,但是谁记得次数呢?We go out less and less.我们出去的次数越来越少。Our visits decreased in frequency.我们参观的次数减少了。Small kitchen objects were disappearing with increasing regularity.厨房里的小物件经常不翼而飞,而且次数愈发频繁。Car owners were asked to cut down travel.要求车主们减少驾车出行的次数I shower twice as often as most people.我洗澡的次数比大多数人多一倍。There's no limit to the number of times you can register to win.登记抽奖的次数不限。If your muscles feel sore, step down the number of exercises.如果你感到肌肉酸疼,就逐步减少运动次数You've been late for work too often. This is the last straw. You're fired.你最近迟到次数太频繁,叫人忍无可忍,你被开除了。Occasionally we go to a concert, but much more often to the theatre.我们偶尔去听音乐会,看戏的次数则多得多。




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