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词汇 common
例句 There is a great deal of common ground between management and trade unions on this issue.在这个问题上劳资双方有许多共同点。We like the same things and the same people. I think we have a lot in common.我们喜欢同样的事情、同样的人,我认为我们有许多共同点。Enclaves are pretty common in Arab countries.在阿拉伯国家中,经常有飞地的情事。Our common goal is to maximize our potential for economic growth.我们共同的目标就是最大程度地发挥经济增长的潜力。Despite our differences, we were working to a common end.尽管有分歧,可我们致力于一个共同的目标。Sending aid to the victims was simply a matter of common decency.援助受害者是起码应该做的It was becoming painfully obvious that the two of them had nothing in common.他们俩没有任何共同点,这一点日渐明显,令人难过。She said this kind of occurrence is common, and she quoted several instances of almost identical behavior.她说这种情况很常见,还举出了好几个行为几乎完全相同的事例。By respecting other cultures, we affirm our common humanity.我们通过尊重其他文化来强化我们共同的人性。The most common treatment for this injury involves flexion and supination of the forearm.对于这种伤病最常见的治疗方法包括使上臂屈伸及仰转。Fortunately, in this case, common sense has prevailed.幸运的是,在这件事中常理占了上风。Tom and I had background in common.汤姆和我有共同的背景。Sometimes common nouns change into proper nouns.有时普通名词会转变成专有名词。How can anyone so privileged have any understanding of the common man?享受如此特权的人怎么会理解平民老百姓呢?Mist, fog, and snow are common in this area.薄雾、寒雾和雪在这个地区很常见。You two have so much in common. You should be able to find a way to talk about things without fighting.你们俩有很多地方都很像,应该能找到法子谈谈,用不着吵架的。The use of drama can motivate students by allowing them to share a common experience.运用戏剧可以通过让学生参加同一活动激发他们的热情。Low energy, poor concentration, and feelings of helplessness are common symptoms of dysthymia.乏力、注意力难以集中以及无助感都是心理沮丧的常见症状。Auto-tuning VHF receivers are now common in cars.自动调节甚高频接收器现在普遍应用于汽车。The most common cause of compression fracture is osteoporosis, a thinning of the bone with age.压缩性骨折最常见的原因是随年龄增长而造成的骨质疏松Cases of purportedly sterilised women becoming pregnant had recently become more common.那些据称已绝育的妇女怀孕的情况最近变得更常见了。Not being able to sleep at night is a very common complaint.晚上睡不好觉是很常见的毛病。Anybody with a mite of common sense could see how useless it was.任何稍有常识的人都能看出那毫无用处。This feeling of desperation and helplessness was common to most of the refugees.大多数难民都有这种绝望和无助的感觉。The plants descend from a common ancestor.这些植物源于一个共同的祖先。Sexism in advertising is becoming less common thanks to the new complaints commission.多亏新设立的投诉委员会,广告中的性别歧视正变得越来越少。Alfalfa is a common fodder for cattle.苜蓿是一种普通的牛饲料。It's very common for older children to feel jealous after the birth of a baby.孩子出生后,哥哥姐姐产生嫉妒心理是很常见的。It helps engender a sense of common humanity.这有助于营造一种博爱的感觉。This regressive behaviour is more common in boys.这种行为上的倒退现象在男孩中更加普遍。It says torture and summary execution are common.那上面称酷刑和草草处决很常见。I have nothing in common with Jane.我和简没有任何共同之处。The movie appeals to the lowest common denominator.这部电影吸引的是平庸大众。By common consent this election constituted a historic step on the road to democracy.普遍认为这次选举是迈上民主之路的历史性一步。These two projects have some interesting points in common.这两个项目存在一些很有意思的共同点。Some religions have a common understanding of the nature of a divine being.一些宗教对神的本质有同样的认识。I think some of the most common flowers are also some of the prettiest.我认为一些最常见的花也是最美丽的花。Britain, in common with other European countries, has abolished the death penalty.英国和其他欧洲国家一样已经废除了死刑。Such behaviour is common to all young people.这种行为在年轻人中司空见惯。She always had a lot of common sense.她一直都有很强的直觉判断力。




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