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词汇 架子上
例句 I dusted off the shelves.我擦掉了架子上的灰尘。He took a bag from a shelf behind some curtains.他从窗帘后面的架子上拿出一个包。The wine is stored in special racks.酒贮存在专门的架子上I knocked it off the shelf by accident.我不小心把它从架子上碰了下来。Several dictionaries lay on a shelf.架子上有几本字典。He accidentally smacked his head against the shelf.他不小心砰地把头撞到了架子上Dust settled on the shelves.架子上积了灰尘。He washed up his mug and put it back on the shelf.他洗干净自己的杯子并把它放回架子上He couldn't remember on which shelf he kept it.他不记得把它放在哪一个架子上了。The shelves were packed with dolls of every shape and size.架子上摆满了形状各异、大小不一的娃娃。The racks along the wall held most of the costumes.大多数演出服都搁在靠墙的架子上He lifted the box carefully down from the shelf.他小心地从架子上取下那个盒子。You've got quite a long reach - can you get that box down from the top shelf for me?你胳膊长——能替我从最高的架子上把那个盒子拿下来吗?He arranged the books on the shelf according to their size.他把架子上的书按照大小进行整理。The books had been put back neatly on the shelf.书已经整整齐齐地放回到架子上He picked the book off the shelf.他把书从架子上取下来。He bumped his head against the shelf.他的头撞在了架子上Human organs, preserved in jars, lined the shelves of the laboratory.实验室的架子上放着一排排保存着各种人体器官的坛子。She accidentally knocked the biscuit tin off the shelf.她不小心把架子上的饼干盒碰了下来。The shelves were filled with knickknacks.架子上摆满了小饰品。The shelves were covered with ornaments and useless knick-knacks.架子上满是装饰品和一些无用的小玩意儿。Would you dust off the shelves?你能把架子上的灰尘擦一擦吗?He slotted the magazines neatly into the rack.他把杂志整齐地插到架子上A dozen faceless white heads stared out at her from the middle shelf of the closet.十几个无面白色人头从橱柜中间的架子上朝外盯着她。A book fell off the shelf and thwacked me on the head.一本书从架子上掉下来,啪的一声打中了我的头。Four bottles of wine were standing on the shelf.架子上放着四瓶酒。She accidentally knocked the tea tin off the shelf.她不小心把架子上的茶叶罐碰了下来。I could only gape in astonishment as I saw the man take the bottle from the shelf and put it under his coat.我看着那人拿起架子上的瓶子塞进他衣服里面,吓得目瞪口呆。He shelved the books/products.他把图书/产品放到架子上A few books are missing from the shelf.架子上缺了几本书。You should sand the shelf before painting it.架子上漆之前,应该先用砂纸打磨。She carefully replaced the china plate on the shelf.她小心翼翼地把瓷盘放回到架子上He pulled dusty candlesticks from the shelf.他把落满灰尘的烛台从架子上取下来。Be sure to sand before you paint the shelf.架子上漆之前一定要先打磨。The shelves were stacked with empty bottles.架子上堆满了空瓶子。The racks were crowded with new clothes.架子上挂满了新衣服。On the shelves were rank after rank of liquor bottles.架子上是一排排的酒瓶。There was a shelf in his bedroom full of model planes.他卧室的一个架子上全是模型飞机。We don't have much shelf space.我们的架子上空间不多了。The books are lined up on a shelf above the desk.书成排摆放在书桌上方的架子上




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