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词汇 command
例句 The general was relieved of his command.将军被解除了指挥权。He has a fine command of language, and the words stream from his mouth in a torrent.他善言谈,讲起话来滔滔不绝。He has a hundred men under his command.他指挥一百个人。Nixon looked comfortable and in command.尼克松看起来悠然自得,从容不迫。His wife has grown executive and used to command.他妻子变得很有管理才干并惯于发号施令。I command that he go at once.我命令他立即就去。He is a cog in a complicated command structure.他在复杂的指挥机构中起着螺丝钉作用。The officer rapped out a command.军官厉声发出命令。Admiral Collingwood gave the command to open fire.海军上将科林伍德下令开火。His command came to an inglorious end when he surrendered the fort.当他交出要塞的时候,他的指挥便不光彩地结束了。The city has activated its emergency command centre on the West Side.该市已经动用了西区的紧急指挥中心。The tanker failed to respond to a command to stop.这辆油罐车没有按照命令停下来。There were major differences of opinion over who should command the UN forces.在由谁来指挥联合国军队的问题上意见相差很大。The tower provides a wide command of neighbouring hills.在塔上可将四周群山一览无遗。Candidates should have good typing skills and a good command of English.应征者需要有熟练的打字技术,并精通英语。His command cracked out like a pistol shot.他大声发出命令,声如鸣枪。He took command of the government and proclaimed himself emperor.他掌管了政府并自封为皇帝。They waited for their master's command.他们等待主人的指示。He was accustomed to command, not to entreat.他习惯于发号施令,而不是恳求他人。The army captured three forts while under the general's command.军队在这名将军的指挥下攻占了三个要塞。The change of command naturally sent ripples through the upper echelons of the Army.命令的改变自然引起了军方上层的一连串反应。He spoke in a tone of command.他用命令的口吻说话。On the death of the captain, the officer next in order of seniority assumed command.上尉死后,级别最高的下属军官接管了指挥权。His command of the piano is impressive.他的钢琴水平令人赞叹。He quickly earned the respect of his command.他很快赢得了部下的尊敬。Who is in command?谁负责?He growled a command to her to stop.他咆哮著命令她停下来。She has a good command of spoken English.她的英语口语很熟练。Well, if the manager isn't available I'd like to speak to the second-in-command.好吧,如果经理不在,我想和二把手谈谈。The soldiers marched on command. 士兵们接到命令后行军。He was relieved of his command by the committee.委员会释了他的兵权。In the absence of anybody more experienced, I took command.由于找不到其他更有经验的人,只好由我来指挥。He was given command of the regiment.他受命指挥这个团。He was relieved of his command after being charged with misconduct.被指控行为不当后,他的指挥权被解除。It would take some time for the request to travel up the chain of command.这个要求经过行政管理系统上达,还需要一些时间。He was in command of the British Army in Egypt.他统帅驻扎在埃及的英国军队。I closed my eyes at his command.我按照他的指示闭上了眼睛。He was put in command of the navy.他受命掌管海军。They command the respect and obedience of the armed forces.他们要求武装部队尊重上级,服从指挥。He was told to command his temper.有人叫他控制脾气。




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