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词汇 杀害
例句 He murdered his wife and buried her body in a field.杀害了妻子,把尸体埋在一块田地里。This wanton annihilation of animals is disgraceful.如此随意地杀害动物是可耻的。A terrorist can kill more people when they are bunched together.若恐怖分子结成团伙,就能杀害更多的人。The film is about a professional killer who's hired to liquidate a powerful businessman.影片讲述的是一位职业杀手受雇去杀害一位有权势的商人。She was the first victim killed by the strangler.她第一个被那个勒杀犯杀害In the last year, terrorists have murdered several local journalists.去年,恐怖分子杀害了几名当地记者。Manuel looked for the sister of the man he killed, to ask forgiveness.曼纽尔寻找他所杀害男子的妹妹,以求获得宽恕。That night they plumbed the depths of treachery and horror, and murdered the king as he slept.那天夜晚他们彻底背叛,采用极端恐怖的手段趁国王熟睡之际杀害了他。Leonard was determined to exact revenge on his wife's killer.伦纳德决心对杀害他妻子的人实施报复。FBI agents identified his killers.联邦调查局的探员确认了杀害他的凶手的身份。Is there any crime worse than murdering a child?难道还会有比杀害小孩更恶劣的罪行吗?The Prosecution avers that the defendant killed Mary Martin.检察当局称被告人杀害玛丽·马丁属实。Her real parents had been brutally murdered.她的亲生父母被残忍杀害了。She is determined to wreak vengeance on those who killed her cousin.她决心要向杀害表妹的凶手报仇。Police say they have made a breakthrough in their search for the killer of Diane Sutton.警方称他们在寻找杀害黛安娜·萨顿的凶手方面有了重大进展。We all felt a sense of closure after our sister's murderer was sent to jail.杀害姐姐的凶手被关进监狱后,我们都得到了一丝安慰。The young woman's killer has not yet been found.杀害那个年轻女子的凶手尚未找到。A man has gone on trial accused of murdering his girlfriend.一男子因被控杀害女友而接受了审讯。Punishments for killing the king's deer were severe.杀害国王的鹿将受到严厉惩罚。He was accused of killing his mistress.他被指控杀害情妇。They have denied persecuting or killing political dissidents.他们不承认迫害或杀害了持不同政见的人。She was arrested and charged with murdering the two children.她被逮捕并被指控杀害了那两个孩子。The man was taken deep into a Mississippi forest by a local gang and sadistically murdered.那人被当地的匪帮带至密西西比的一个森林深处,然后被残忍地杀害了。Local people are still searching woods near the victim's home for any clues to help find her killer.当地的人仍在被害人住所附近的林子里寻找线索,帮助找到杀害她的凶手。Davis was found guilty of abducting and killing Polly Klaas.戴维斯被判绑架和杀害波莉·克拉斯的罪名成立。Her husband was murdered by gunmen as she watched.她亲眼目睹丈夫被持枪歹徒杀害This man may have killed others but unfortunately we have no firm evidence.这名男子可能还杀害过其他人,只可惜我们没有确凿的证据。The conviction of their son's murderer gave them a sense of closure.杀害他们儿子的凶手被定罪让他们了却了一桩心愿。Carillo's murderer remained at large yesterday as investigators continued their search.昨天,杀害卡里洛的凶手仍然逍遥法外,而探员在继续搜捕。The murder of a boy by police sparked further unrest in the occupied zone.一名男孩被警方杀害的事件在被占领区引发了进一步的骚乱。Assassins, in cahoots with the army, were sent to kill two top members of the parliament.他们与军队串通,派了刺客去杀害两位高级议会成员。They killed people unsympathetic to the revolution.他们杀害了不赞成革命的人士。Why would she have killed him? She has no motive.为什么她会杀害他?她没有动机。Given that you don't like your sisters, you wouldn't contemplate killing them, would you? Sororicide is a very serious crime.即便妳不喜欢妳的姐妹,妳也不会考虑杀害她们吧?弑妹可是严重的罪行。The man who murdered the girl is no son of mine. I disown him.杀害那女孩的人不配做我的儿子。我要与他脱离关系。He got whacked by mobsters.他被暴徒杀害了。The police are searching for his killers.警方正在搜捕杀害他的凶手。Alfred was shot in reprisal for the killing of a rival gang member.艾尔弗雷德因为杀害对手团伙的一名成员而遭到枪杀报复。The regime has ruthlessly eliminated the leaders of the opposition.当局残忍地杀害了反对派领导人。Her desire for vengeance led her to shoot her daughter's murderer.她强烈的复仇愿望导致她枪杀了杀害她女儿的人。




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